CMGB website new info and pictures

by cmgbpk

22 years ago

check it out for yourselves
or click on the link below

by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

yeah I think this was already posted by your buddy will about two threads down and psssst whats new? all I saw was that horrific proton pack with duct tape all over it.

by will

22 years ago

ok first off the pack is not done yet i dont hav alot of money to work with so i do with what i got ok. second off the site's not done yet either. and we do have alot of other thing to do during the day but i asure you the shits not done yet

by Kingpin

22 years ago

You might supposedly be the 3rd oldest, but you're a terrible example.
First, you image manip photos of an amublance (which have now been removed)
You make a proton pack (most likely not following the plans available on the net)
You image manip a glass window by putting a fake GB logo sticker on it.
And, to top it all off, you try to pretend your gas meter is a Containment Unit.
One piece of advice:
If you don't have one build, don't try to pawn off things that might look like it.
And in my opinion, a prop trap should be one you've built, not a repainted RGB trap.
I refuse to accept this is the third oldest franchise, and I advise you check out sites like the Middle Tennessee Ghostbusters or
| :l( :1(

And for pete's sake, GBI doesn't recognise orange flightsuits (to the best of my knowledge)


22 years ago

i think GBI reconizes all Jumpsuit colours, and if they don't they had better start so soon because franchises are starting to get original.


22 years ago

Well, your pack does need inprovement.

However, from what you had just a few days ago, you've already did a good job in getting more content.

What I suggest: Make the pack look better, great Packs have been made out of PVC and Cardboard.

Get more pictures. Get a better design for the site.

Just keep on your current track and you'll do better.

by SpecterHarness

22 years ago

GBI better recognize!!!!! (sorry, rapper talk)

I hope they recognize colored jumpsuits. ETGB founded the “Camo Suit” idea. Deer Hunter, the proton pack from hell, is way cool and should have pics up soon. Stick with simple kick-ass stuff and you'll make that “3rd Oldest Franchise” worth something.

by Spengs

21 years, 11 months ago

The CMGBs may be the 3rd oldest GBI franchise, when I was ready to get into the “game” in 1997, your site either wasn't up or had a lot of broken links. The MTGBs site was down for a long time then as well. I think only Indiana was up (on a different server then) so I was ready at the time to bring attention to Ghostbusters and start up a franchise in NJ.

More on that can be found in the Beginnings section of our site.

by cmgbpk

21 years, 9 months ago

hey everyone look out for the new central maryland ghostbusters downloads section for the central maryland ghostbusters official wallpaper soon to be online within the next month we are hard on work on alot of content new to the site and are hoping to have positive responses so keep on the look out within the next couple weeks for alot more pictures and all new calls have a nice day

yours in ghostbusting
patrick klinedinst
the central maryland ghostbusters

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

You've done it again!

Look, if you don't have the prop, don't try to fake it.

Please remove the photo of the door and of your vehicle, they're image maniplated. Please replace them with unedited photos.