So I was working Friday (which is odd cause I work a 4 day week but the home shopping network had a HUGE order from us that needed done next Wednesday) I just finished pouring the mix into the die cast molds. And headed home to an odd scene. Across from my friends' dairy farm was an overturned trailer and a guy leaning up against a van.
I of course pulled over to come help. A guy (19 year old McDonald's assistant manager named Brian) on a motorcycle stopped by and called 911 (good thing cause i don't have a cell). I felt on his pulse he had an erratic heartbeat. and in his hand was a bottle of Nitroglycerin pills. We tried to keep him awake and he motioned he needed a pill so i placed it under his tongue. I felt something odd on his chest so i unbuttoned his shirt, he had a pacemaker scar.
We kept him up and awake as his eyes started to flicker and his breathing became more erratic. The ambulance came and took him and later his family showed up. They said his pacemaker was going to be replaced in a month, it failed and that's why he wrecked.
So I turned to the motorcycle guy and he asked me for a jump. His cycle wouldn't start. He said he only stopped cause his cycle quit right there and he was gonna ask the guy leaning against the van for a lift when he noticed he was having a heart attack. We tried some starter fluid and nothing. He had just filled it up but…. he forgot to switch the tank on. He was running on fumes since the gas station, but he flipped the switch and it ran the full tank and he got it going perfect.
The only reason he stopped right there and was able to call the ambulance was a complete accident. Everyone else just drove by rubbernecking. Only we stopped. This man would be dead if it weren't for Brian's simple mistake.