Columbia Wants Reitman Off Ghostbusters 3?

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

I think that Reitman isn't all to blame for something he's directed flopping, poor acting and a lacklustre script could easily shoulder a lot of the blame.

I'd much rather have him then a young upstart. He directed the first two installments.

by slimelord1

14 years, 11 months ago

GB3 could easily be Reitman's big return.

by batman2

14 years, 11 months ago

Slime Lord;160161
GB3 could easily be Reitman's big return.

Or it could be a nice big easy pay cheque just before he retires.
Not sure what sort of comeback a 64 year old bloke is looking for, at that age you should be looking forward to retirement, not working until you die.

by slimelord1

14 years, 11 months ago

All I know is I wouldn't feel comfortable with GB3 happening with the original cast and director returning. It seems that whenever this movie is finally about to become a reality, there's another setback that postpones it forever.

by GuyCC

14 years, 11 months ago

It's a train wreck in motion, one more bad thing after another.

Not that I had my hopes up, but there are times I've felt it would be better if we never got a third film.

Funny, I kind of feel we already got that “film” with the video game.

If this movie isn't good, I'm just going to pretend the game is it, and ignore the next film much like I do with the 4th Indiana Jones movie.

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

Latest stop in the rumor mill, the word that Sony wanted a younger director was apprently just hot air:

by batman2

14 years, 11 months ago

Latest stop in the rumor mill, the word that Sony wanted a younger director was apprently just hot air:

Good to know that Sony is looking at Ghostbusters III as a “priority development”, however makes you wonder who is spreading these rumours though, is there a power play behind the scenes by some Exec.

by Ectofiend

14 years, 11 months ago

Slime Lord;160173
All I know is I wouldn't feel comfortable with GB3 happening with the original cast and director returning. It seems that whenever this movie is finally about to become a reality, there's another setback that postpones it forever.

*Facepalm* I take it you're one of those fans that just wants a GB3 just to have a GB3…“Quantity vs. Quality” (*egon)…

by slimelord1

14 years, 11 months ago

Not at all, quite the contrary I'm actually weary of GB3 even happening after all these years and if they don't have the right script. I'm just saying if GB3 is to happen at all, I wouldn't want it without the original cast and director. But I said in another thread that I'd be content with the GB series continuing in video games rather than movies if it's to continue. I've actually been weary of GB3 happening at all, considering how long it's been and the potential to be a letdown, especially after so long. I dread the prospect of GB3 being another Indiana Jones 4 or Terminator 3, and if it turned out to be anything like those two sequels, I'd rather it not be made.

by batman2

14 years, 11 months ago

Slime Lord;160196
Not at all, quite the contrary I'm actually weary of GB3 even happening after all these years and if they don't have the right script. I'm just saying if GB3 is to happen at all, I wouldn't want it without the original cast and director. But I said in another thread that I'd be content with the GB series continuing in video games rather than movies if it's to continue. I've actually been weary of GB3 happening at all, considering how long it's been and the potential to be a letdown, especially after so long. I dread the prospect of GB3 being another Indiana Jones 4 or Terminator 3, and if it turned out to be anything like those two sequels, I'd rather it not be made.

I think in one of the interviews Dan mentioned they were taking their time getting the script right as they did not want a result similar to Indiana Jones 4.