Columbia Wants Reitman Off Ghostbusters 3?

by slimersvictim

14 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, rumors stink like yesterday's diapers.

I am glad to know that guy got Sony's official response that Reitman's on the project.

I wouldn't mind a CGI film made the same way they made the video game and using only the voices. I really hate to think of the Pete Venkman character dying off. One of my friends balked at the idea of bringing Oscar in as a Ghostbuster (although I don't mind it so much). Just, Pete dying off is like losing a good friend. For a comedy thriller, how can you make that funny? I wouldn't enjoy watching Ghostbusters III with the death of Pete.

by batman2

14 years, 11 months ago

With regards to the death of Pete Venkman in GB III, it might be just that Bill is just fcuking with us, or maybe in the film he has to go in to the spirit world for some reason, so has to die temporarily and comes back after his task is done.

The thing is we just will not know until the film is released, the second draft of the script is meant to be ready in May from what I read, I just hope that the length of time it is taking to get the script right will mean we get a real good story.

by areyouagod2

14 years, 11 months ago

I keep hearing about the writers from office are writing the script. hhmmm

Well The Office was originally wrote by Gervais and Pilkington well the british version all stupinsky did was americanised a little but kept the same concept used from the originally BBC effort, so to say that these writes are good I am a bit sceptical on the matter…

As for Reitman, Well Reitman has dropped down the ladder a little. It doesn't mean he aint right for the job.

Firstly Columbia want to go in a new direction just like they do with Spiderman, I mean we are talking about a bunch of plonkers that wanna make mr Pattison from Twilight the new Spiderman are you @@@@ing kidding me.

2ndly if you actually watch Ghostbusters 2, I am so fed up about hearing how crap the movie was. Wow so just cause Murray didn't rate it as good, all the fanbees of Murray say its crap. Cmon the scene when the Mayor says will somebody get the Ghostbusters, is brilliant. I am a fan of Ghostbusters as a franchise. Columbia are hitting a wall at the moment with their productions.

Murray has a cheek on the other hand stating recently he isn't really up for it. Well. You have did “”“” Garfield, and worst of all Garfield 2 by any chance, I've actually got a list. Forget something Murray. Ghostbusters made u big…