come on we need to chill out

by ghostbuster2005

21 years, 9 months ago

iam sorrie if this has been posted but we really need to stop being so negitive*spelling* i mean in the its coming thred theres one person callin ppl nazis what is wrong with our lil town we have its not right and i think it needs to be stop iam not sayin its all of u but some of u. and if we dont do something we will have a slime square so plz someone do something cause i guess Ghostheads are not gettin along like we should plz someone do something thats all i ask but other wise everything is good thanks thats my 3 cents

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 9 months ago

did you read the same EXACT topic just below this one? if you want to voice your opinion it would have better been voiced that way.