coming clean

by Shauna

17 years, 2 months ago


by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

Sick, maybe.

But not racist.

by misfit1

17 years, 2 months ago



…I don't know anymore!

Blast 'em.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

Okay, all right, hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Whoa! Nice shooting, Tex! :-)

by fome

17 years, 2 months ago

depending of what he's shooting lol :p


by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

Yeah you need a good night sleep (*egon) :-)

by Shauna

17 years, 2 months ago

I'm so emotional right now </3

by pantshater24

17 years, 2 months ago

shouldn't you just say you're just so EMO. heh

by mdp872105

17 years, 2 months ago

(*rant) (*rant) (*rant) (*rant) (*rant) (*rant)

welcome to the party, you can see the drinks are to your left(both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), food is in the back (we have a awesome spread), and dance floor is upstairs. enjoy. oh but beware of the closet by the food, someone must've locked their dog in there, though it must be a big dog cuz it sounds rather, well, supernatural…


he needs to come out
Enough is enough Shauna your gay we get it.

Now we was nice and said great, glad to hear, and we understand. I even took the time to apologize for my post below, but now I'm just sorry for posting a apology The reason i posted a apology orignally was because i figured you was like most gay people and straight people and respected there space and opinions. Just because your gay it does not give you the right to push it on every one and take every post to mention that you are gay or make a gay joke. This is a ghostbusters fan site not a gay rights page. So show some respect for the people who are not gay and I will show respect back. I'll say this when you do what you have been doing you make other gay people look bad and guess what i know because i have a gay boss, a gay friend, and a gay family member. Like i said i might not agree with them but i respect their opinion and they respect mine.

Okay now that your out jump back in lol

I'm just joking. I'll admit i don't agree with gay or lesbian rights or the life style but i respect them as people as long as they respect my opinions and ways also.

(*flame) (*flame) (*flame)
To everyone else I'm sorry if my comments offend anyone or hurt anyones feelings I just feel some of the comments that were made and where they was posted were very disrespectful to new and current members.

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

Whilst it hasn't gone to the nutbar extremes where some people claim such historical figures such as Abraham Lincoln were gay, I understand what you mean mdp872105.

All it needs is just to show a little bit of restraint and respect for the other members of the forum, as whilst a lot of people are usually pretty happy with accepting people who have come out of the closet… when it looks like someone who has recently decided they're gay is flaunting that decision… or going a bit over the top with it, even if that wasn't that person's intent it can come off as grating.

So yeah, no need to throw in the ‘you better come out of it’ every time someone mentions the word ‘closet’, especially as it had been aimed as a reference to the Terror Dog in Louis' bedroom.