coming clean

by Ecto_Dude

17 years, 2 months ago


When I saw the first post it said gay as well.

by Shauna

17 years, 2 months ago

you seriously need to lighten up =]

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

you seriously need to lighten up =]

This is going nowhere. Lock that post.

by Shauna

17 years, 2 months ago

This is exactly what I tried to prove…

Even in the misc area there are certain users who dictate the entire board.

Why lock it? Just stop reading.

by sinister1

17 years, 2 months ago

Ah, now I understand, Shauna is our friendly neighbourhood anarchist who likes to pull stunts to challenge authority, correct?

I'm quite aware that Kingpin has had to defend himself on repeated occasions from allocations of acting like a Nazi. These certain users as you refer to them are moderators, and we have strict rules to abide by. Spam is deleted. Period.

Consider this an Official Warning Shauna for both challenging moderators and spamming. If you have any grievences, please take them up with me via PM.