Coming to Save the World...Southern Style

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 11 months ago

Foothills Ghostbusters
Coming to save the world
Southern Style
Fall 2003

Dr. Dula & Dr. Bowman

Hope everyone cant wait. Trailers should be around in the next months. Script is in writing stages and now assigning director.

Produced, Written, and Acted by-
Tip of My Tongue Films

FHGB: The Movie(Tentative Title)


by venkmanfan49

21 years, 11 months ago

Well, the script is now in the writing stage and we are set for a early to late summer shooting schedule.

We are asking the community to give us maybe some ides for the soundtrack and give us villans.

The soundtrack we are going for is a rock type, because its good asskickin music. So we'd like some names of artists or bands u would like to hear and we will take these into consideration.

Also for those of you that delve into southern ghostlore we would like some suggestions as to what ghost or ghosts would be bent on world domination or that sort. I'm thinking maybe a Demon battle leading up to a climactic battle with Satan. I don't know. So please shoot off some ideas.

And of course we will be using the GB theme. But we don't know which one. I would rather not use the punk cover as I don't like it to much. Either GB. GB2, or EGB theme.

Thanks guys(and girls),

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 11 months ago

Actors and Directors goes as follows:

Main Characters-

Matt Dula- Himself(buster)
James “Chip” Bowman- Himself(buster)
Anthony Maglione- Himself(3rd buster)
Paisley- As herself(Ghost and Folklore Professor)

Zach(not not that one)- Director

Tip of my Tongue Productions

This is gonna be so awesome Guys and Gals you just wait.


by Arsenal

21 years, 11 months ago

Is it gonna be real people or animation?

And I would go with the original GB theme and perhaps some Linkin Parks songs.

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 11 months ago

Real People. We're shooting for at least an hour and a half movie. Script is now four pages in and the first bust has already been written. We will definatly take into consideration ur songs. And I would love some Linkin Park songs!!


by Sinister

21 years, 11 months ago

Hey, u need it 2 be about 110 pages long of size 10 Courier New Text, if you want any help writing it, give me a call! (Ie Email or AIM) I'm pretty sure I can help!

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 11 months ago

Good luck with the movie.

::wipes tear from eye:: makes me proud to be a souther ghostbuster on a mountain area. LOL

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 11 months ago

Glad there is so much interest !!

We are having trouble with our director. He doesnt seem as hyped as we do. He thinks that we cannot get the proton stream effects and the ghost effects. So project is on hiatus until our director makes a decision. I will continue to write. Im looking forward to getting the script done by as late as the 15th of May. And prelim filming as early as June.


by venkmanfan49

21 years, 11 months ago

What does The gates of Hell, a serial killer ghost, proton beams, and a demonolgy professor all have in common??

That's right

Theres the premise to

FHGB: The Movie

Be ready


by venkmanfan49

21 years, 10 months ago

Ok the project has been at a standstill for the past week. But now i'm back writing the script. It still has the same premise just I had to re-iterate to our prop master exactly what the serial killer was. The serial killer is sort of the Ivo Shandor to the FHGB's. He's the one doing Hell's bidding, collecting 20 souls to open the gates of Hell and start the chain reaction to the end of the world. So it should be pretty exciting.

Be Ready
