Coming to Save the World...Southern Style

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 10 months ago

Woah!! Been a little bit since I gave you guys an update, so here goes. Well, the project was at a standstill for a while b/c our propmaster was uniterested in teh project b/c he felt it was to unlike Ghostbusters. He thought we were missin the humor. Well as you all know it wasnt the script that added the humor to GB it was th actors and there ad libs and improv, so after telling him this he agreed.

Back to the script!! I talked with Sinister and he gave me some great ideas. Though Im not writing a full feature film, his ideas were wonderful!! Im now returning to the script and feel that it will be wonderful.

The effects. Well, Im going to use the program AlamDV, just because everything is already on there and I dont have to make anything, being lazy as I am. So this program is awesome. I suggest if you're doing a fan film u get it! The website is great too, all the plug-ins are there.

Well there it is summed up, kinda.


Be Ready

FHGB: The Movie website is coming soon

by venkmanfan49

21 years, 9 months ago

Ok ummmm….

2 words:

Extreme Hiatus

Sorry folks, I know how you were all awaiting this picture, as was I. But I'm suffering from severe writer's block. I plan on finishing out the script sometime this summer. Maybe shooting this winter or sometime. I don't know why I'm stuck. Im gonna go to my good pal Sinister and talk to him. If you would like to read an excerpt from the script please e-mail me.

Sorry if I disapointed anyone.


by Spengs

21 years, 9 months ago

You know, depending on when you make your movie, IF I'm in NC by then, perhaps I can help direct your film if you still need a director then.

No promises because I don't know when I will be moving to NC.