Exclusive: Ivan Reitman on Ghostbusters 3

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 2 months ago

Exclusive: Ivan Reitman on Ghostbusters 3
Source: Jenna Busch January 7, 2011

“When do we get to see ‘Ghostbusters 3’?” You know it's the first thing you'd ask director Ivan Reitman. got a chance to sit down with the man who brought us Slimer to chat about his new film No Strings Attached. Sure, we talked about the film, (check back for our interview soon) but there was no way we were leaving the room without getting the scoop on whether we'd see the proton packs again. There has been plenty of news, from who's read the script and who hated it to whether Venkman's son would be taking over the business. Here's what Reitman has to say.
So, you know we have to ask you what's going on with “Ghostbusters 3,” right?
Ivan Reitman: We have a really good script, but Bill (Murray) has to read it. He hasn't read it. There has been all kinds of chatter online about him reading it and not liking it. He has not read a thing. He's never read anything. And I just sent it to him. So we'll see. God knows how long that will take. But we'll see.

CS: There have been a ton of stories online. Lots of back and forth…
Reitman: There is almost nothing that is accurate online about that film. Will you write that for me?

CS: I will!
Reitman: There is nothing… I mean, all these stories… there has been a ton of stuff about casting, about who's in… none of it is true.

CS: The whole Sigourney Weaver thing about Venkman's son taking over and Bill Murray coming back as a ghost…
Reitman: Oh, no, yeah… I mean, Sigourney Weaver has a role in this movie. All the original characters have parts. As well as a whole bunch of new characters… it's got a really good story, this one. Maybe the best of the whole series. I hope we get to do it.


by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 2 months ago

it's got a really good story, this one. Maybe the best of the whole series.

I want to trust him on that.

by theling

14 years, 2 months ago

I don't see any reason to not trust him.

by Dr.D

14 years, 2 months ago

So did Ivan just confirm Bill ISN'T a ghost? Thank. God.

by batman2

14 years, 2 months ago

We have a really good script, but Bill (Murray) has to read it. He hasn't read it. There has been all kinds of chatter online about him reading it and not liking it. He has not read a thing. He's never read anything. And I just sent it to him. So we'll see. God knows how long that will take. But we'll see.

I trust Bill Murray's opinion, if he does not like it then let that be an end of that, however if he likes it then let's rock'n'roll people.

Let's face it, if it was rubbish then Dan, Harrold & Ernie would still want to do it.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 2 months ago

Best. Interview. Ever.

So nothing's true that we've read yet, except for probably that there will be new Ghostbusters.

Excellent news.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 2 months ago

Found a little bit more on another site:

Ivan Reitman Says Most ‘Ghostbusters 3’ Reports Are “Not Accurate”

Over the last couple of years, it seems as though Ghostbusters 3 has become the most talked about film without anything “real” being said about it. Other than the project officially getting writers (Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg) and Ivan Reitman (director of the first film) signing on to direct, we've gotten nothing but speculation. A lot of which has even come from those directly involved in the franchise itself.

But now, Reitman, someone who with his position we surprisingly haven't heard much from yet, has finally made his voice known. In an interview with CinemaBlend, the director said that "Virtually everything you’ve read on the internet is not accurate.”

Well alright then. So what does that mean?

Unfortunately, Reitman didn't go on to say exactly which reports were “not accurate”, but he did go on to give a few actual updates. First, while we heard that the film could shoot this May, nothing has been cast yet so that ain't happenin'. Next, the first full draft of the script by its Year One scribes was just handed in a month ago and given to Bill Murray for notes/approval.

While the report of the inaccuracies didn't have any specifics, I believe the whole point of Reitman's declaration was to send a message telling everyone to just chill out. And, now that an actual script has been handed in, to hit the reset button on all the rumors.

So could we get a new batch of ghostbusters, the return of Sigourney Weaver as her son joins the team, or even a ghost Venkman running around? Maybe, but probably not all of it.

by theling

14 years, 2 months ago

I'm starting to wonder/worry about the pressure being put on Murray. Because these links popping up today seem to imply that the most important decision made from here on in will be by Bill Murray alone.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 2 months ago

I'm starting to wonder/worry about the pressure being put on Murray. Because these links popping up today seem to imply that the most important decision made from here on in will be by Bill Murray alone.

That's pretty much what its always been.

The sticking point has always been satisfying Murray. If he's not happy the movie can't be made, that's how it works.

Its really no different than any other time they had a script.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 2 months ago

just one last hurdle ………..