Considering getting a Playstation 3.

by Lord_Kane

16 years, 1 month ago

Alright, before I start, I want to make this clear, I am a gamer, and therefore like games, regardless of what platform they are on, and currently I plan on getting Ghostbusters: The Video Game on Xbox 360, so that being said I currently own a PS2, PC, Xbox 360, Nintendo Gamecube, and Nintendo DS.

so with the the above in mind. I have been considering getting a Playstation 3 for a bit, not necessarily for gaming, but for blu-ray and (maybe for Metal Gear Solid 4 as well. ) as some of my personal research shows that most Blu-ray players are nuts in price.

should I wait until they go down in price? or until Blu-ray becomes more common place? what your thoughts?

Please no Microsoft or Sony Fanboyism. keep it civil, keep that kind of discussion for gametrailers or 4chan /v/

Thank you.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 1 month ago

Personally, I would wait till Blu-ray players go down.

As far as gaming goes…at the moment really the only thing the PS3 has going for it are Resistance, MGS4, and LBP.

But if you are wanting to get it solely for the the Blu-ray then DEFINATELY as it is my understanding it is one of the cheaper ones on the market….considering.

by mdp872105

16 years, 1 month ago

My personal opinion if your buying it mostly for the blue ray then buy a blue ray player. The prices have started to come down on them. Plus the blue ray disc are runing about $30 dollars and should start going down soon. I would suggest waiting a few months and see how much the disc and players are going to go down. Also see if playstation comes out with a better selection of games.

by RickyM

16 years, 1 month ago

i would suggest you get a ps3 dude, lots of people complain that the ps3 doesnt hold a good selection of games, but i have played most of them and they are all amazing games, i even played lego: indiana jones and loved it cuz even tho its lego and that its a fun game for the adventure and humour, so dnt be put off by that cuz its nonsense, i also own a xbox and still to this day i dont see the difference in either except the controllers, anyways i use mine for alot of my blu ray dvd's aswell, there amazing,

btw if you wanted to (rent to buy) that would be a lot cheaper, i bought mine off a online shop called ‘littlewoods’ they come in bundles and can be paid like 20 pound a month for a year then when its over its all yours, i got both consoles doing that, so seriously, i would buy a ps3 so you can have the benefits of the games to,

did i mention, MGS4 is the best game ive ever played and i have played alot of games, the cinematics are amazing, the gadgets and the combat, oh my god its just brilliant, get it just for this game if you will lol its amazing

by rockstar232007

16 years, 1 month ago

i would suggest you get a ps3 dude, lots of people complain that the ps3 doesnt hold a good selection of games, but i have played most of them and they are all amazing games, i even played lego: indiana jones and loved it cuz even tho its lego and that its a fun game for the adventure and humour, so dnt be put off by that cuz its nonsense, i also own a xbox and still to this day i dont see the difference in either except the controllers, anyways i use mine for alot of my blu ray dvd's aswell, there amazing,

btw if you wanted to (rent to buy) that would be a lot cheaper, i bought mine off a online shop called ‘littlewoods’ they come in bundles and can be paid like 20 pound a month for a year then when its over its all yours, i got both consoles doing that, so seriously, i would buy a ps3 so you can have the benefits of the games to,

did i mention, MGS4 is the best game ive ever played and i have played alot of games, the cinematics are amazing, the gadgets and the combat, oh my god its just brilliant, get it just for this game if you will lol its amazing

by demonaz

16 years, 1 month ago

I've wanted to get a PSX3 just for MGS4…

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 1 month ago

MGS4 Did seem to be a good movie.

by pinkandblack84

16 years, 1 month ago

lol yeah Cut scene city but still MGS4 was still a good game and worth playing, but back to the topic i would say if your a hardcore gamer or you just tend to play games alot then get a PS3 because it has alot of great games on it now and will have so through out 2009, however if you dont really see yourself buying and playing alot of games on the Ps3 then i would say don't bother and buy a blue ray player.

by mdp872105

16 years, 1 month ago

just a quick note i checked at my local wal-mart and found a blue-ray player for only 158 dollars.

by rockstar232007

16 years, 1 month ago

just a quick note i checked at my local wal-mart and found a blue-ray player for only 158 dollars.
Does it also
  • Play/store Video Games?
  • Store music, pictures, and video?
  • Connect to the Internet…wirelessly?
  • Come equipped with a Quad Core Processor (way better for HD, btw)?
All this is the reason the PS3 cost so much, but I read that by spring of this year, they might drop the price to $299.00(*peter), and as I predicted, Sony is actually gaining ground pretty fast on the gaiming console front, the XB360 is looking at another price drop due to the fact that more and more people are reporting major hardware failures. I give it about a year…two at the most, and Microsoft will actually realize that they are a “Software Company” who IMHO, should have kept it that way from the get go…oh! wait, they are even having trouble in that area now too!(*egon)