Considering getting a Playstation 3.

by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

Store music, pictures, and video?

Question: Why on Earth does a Playstation 3 even have that as an option?

Call me old fashioned, but I never bought into the mindset that said that designing a mobile phone to download music (beyond it's ring tone) and video was a fantastic idea (the number of people playing music out loud on their phones like they were some cheap alternative to a MP3 player has gotten me irritated on my bus commute on a regular basis… especially as the bus company has a notice asking said individuals not to do it), and I'm of the firm opinion that if you want a portable music device, use a MP3 player, not your phone. You ask me this ‘eveything in one’ approach that Apple made a mainstream thing with the Iphone has gotten out of control, and that a games console should be about playing games, not downloading music and video.

/rant over/

by RickyM

16 years, 1 month ago

Question: Why on Earth does a Playstation 3 even have that as an option?

Call me old fashioned, but I never bought into the mindset that said that designing a mobile phone to download music (beyond it's ring tone) and video was a fantastic idea. You ask me this ‘eveything in one’ approach that Apple took has gotten out of control, and that a games console should be about playing games, not downloading music and video.

ive always wondered that, think of what they could add to the GAMING EXPIERENCES on the ps3 if they never added all the stuff nobody even needs, i never even use the music or anything, am a hardcore gamer i dnt need my game system to play my music and store pics, my phone does that, come on sony open up them eyes, and i agree that microsoft should have stayed a ‘software company’ cuz the xbox 360 i didnt like, sold it yesterday after less than a month, dam thing kept scratching my discs in a perfect circle lol and there having probs with a virus now

by Bativac

16 years, 1 month ago

Can I chime in?

I have a Nintendo Wii (that I rarely play… the only games I own are Wii Sports and Lego Batman). I'll be buying a system only for the Ghostbusters game (yeah yeah, I'm a nerd). So since I don't plan on buying any other games for it, is the PS3 the best option? Just for the Blu Ray player? Also, is it a good Blu Ray player? I would assume so since it's a Sony but you never know…

by rockstar232007

16 years, 1 month ago

Can I chime in?

I have a Nintendo Wii (that I rarely play… the only games I own are Wii Sports and Lego Batman). I'll be buying a system only for the Ghostbusters game (yeah yeah, I'm a nerd). So since I don't plan on buying any other games for it, is the PS3 the best option? Just for the Blu Ray player? Also, is it a good Blu Ray player? I would assume so since it's a Sony but you never know…
You don't just have to use it as a Blu-Ray player, you could also save pictures. music, and video on it, or get a wireless router and use it as a web browser.(*peter)

by rockstar232007

16 years, 1 month ago

Question: Why on Earth does a Playstation 3 even have that as an option?

Call me old fashioned, but I never bought into the mindset that said that designing a mobile phone to download music (beyond it's ring tone) and video was a fantastic idea (the number of people playing music out loud on their phones like they were some cheap alternative to a MP3 player has gotten me irritated on my bus commute on a regular basis… especially as the bus company has a notice asking said individuals not to do it), and I'm of the firm opinion that if you want a portable music device, use a MP3 player, not your phone. You ask me this ‘eveything in one’ approach that Apple made a mainstream thing with the Iphone has gotten out of control, and that a games console should be about playing games, not downloading music and video.

/rant over/
Well it was touted as an “Entertainment System”, so I would assume those capabilites would hopefully add to it's entertainment value.(*peter)