containment unit for sale

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 9 months ago

Seriously, that thing looks like crap. Its obviously made out of cardboard (at least the trap part is). There's no way in hell that anyone will pay that. It cost no more than probably $15 for all the supplies to build that, no way is it worth $75. And why are you having your brother post about selling it? Are you too young to post? Are you like 12?

by Kingpin

18 years, 9 months ago

Okay everyone, settle down.

knight2007, you probably put a lot of work into it but I'm afraid it's doubtful anyone would pay $75.00 for it, you'd probably only be able to shift it for $20 and even that's possibly a unlikely amount…

You may wish to consider selling something else, such as CDs or DVDs…

by gjustis1

18 years, 9 months ago

Looks that bad, eh?

Let's see YOUR containment unit.

by secrecyguy

18 years, 9 months ago

Looks that bad, eh?

Let's see YOUR containment unit.

I hate to say this but yes, it looks that bad.

I bet I could make a half way decent looking one. It may not be 100% perfect but it will look better than what he have.


by gbmasterman

18 years, 9 months ago

I honestly don't think it looks that bad. I would rebuild the cardboard section, perhaps some Bondo here and there, give it a nice new coat of red paint, and some new labels, and I think it would shine up nicely. All minor improvements that could be done in less than a day. I like it. Like gjustis said, if you think you can do better, than try it, I dare you.

by gjustis1

18 years, 9 months ago

I bet I could make a half way decent looking one. It may not be 100% perfect but it will look better than what he have.


Possibly….but you haven't.

So perhaps you should get off that high horse and let him try. If he fails, so be it, but there's certainly no reason to criticize.

by liquidvishn2

18 years, 9 months ago