contemplating buying an xbox 360...

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 1 month ago

should i?

i mean all this commotion about the GB game for 360 gets me thinking. But the thing is, ive never really been a bigger commiter to XBOX games. I never was a huge fan of Halo. I mean the first one was cool and all but it was nothing special to me.

is there any games i should look forward to for xbox 360 or reasons why i should buy one over something like a Wii or PS3?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

My roommate has one and from what I've watched, it's kickass. Especially “Dead Rising”.


18 years, 1 month ago

I'm definitely getting a Xbox 360 soon. Halo 3 is coming out soon and there are pretty good games out that I've been wanting to play like: Gears of War, F.E.A.R, Dead Rising, and Prey. Also, if Zootfly gets this license issue resolved we'll have a really kick-ass Ghostbusters game, so yeah I'll be picking one up real soon.

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 1 month ago

the only minus thats on my brain right now is that…im a huge Metal Gear fan and an even bigger Resident Evil fan. And the new sequels to that game are for PS3. But as of right now, PS3 sucks

and way too expensive! :-@

by sinister1

18 years, 1 month ago

I believe Res 5 will be on the 360.

Now you need to ask yourself if you're a PC Gamer, a Neo-Classic gamer, or a Neo gamer.

The 360 is a PC Gamer machine. It is basically a PC without the OS or any other programs. You play PC style games and it feels like youre playing it on a PC. Good/Bad? Thats up to you. But there is a dinstinctly different feel to the rest. If you dont like PC games, dont get a 360.

The PS3 is for the Neo-classic gamers. This line is the natural evolution of video games to an advanced level. it is not a system for PC games. It just has hi tech video games and retains a certain level of classic video game feel.

Now the Wii is for the Neo gamer who has “surpassed” wanting the “limited” gameplay of the PC or Classic console, they want to PLAY as oppose to control, to party, goof off and joke about. Only buy this console if youre an EXTREMELY light hearted individual who enjoys mucking around at parties and playing silly activites.

I have no preference, I dislike all 3 with equal contempt. I long for the days of the Dreamcast, but never mind. Point is, it's who you are that determines which console you should get.

by secrecyguy

18 years, 1 month ago

If you going to get the Xbox 360 because of the upcoming Ghostbusters game, I say wait.

They have to get permission first from Sony. Who knows, it may not even come for the Xbox 360. They may make it for the Sony Playstion 3 in order to get permission.

Who knows, with all this excitement for the Ghostbusters game, Sony may decide to deny giving ZooFly permission.

by fusi0n1

18 years, 1 month ago

I've been a PC gamer for most of my life (I did get into old school sega/nintendo in a major way) but when I saw the Xbox 360 at my friends, I was sold.

The fact that you can play split screen with a mate (or a few) and then go online and verse a buttload more people…

You can get co-op modes on most games…

Free patches, upgrades, levels/maps/mods can be downloaded free to your console…

You won't need to ‘install’ a game and ‘tweak’ it to get it working to show someone when they're over, you just put it in… and play. You won't need another high-end PC to play with a mate, just another controller…

I realised instead of waiting for these great games and gaming concepts to make their way to PC (I mean, PC did kinda invent multiplayer and co-op with Doom back in the early 90s. Xbox got co-op with Doom3 and PC didn't… eh?) Why bother waiting, when they're being made now, for gamers… by gamers.

And that is why I got an Xbox360 with my cash instead of a high-end kickass PC… which you'd have to update every year to play new releases.

by Guido75

18 years, 1 month ago

I bought the 360 last month and im in love with the stupid thing. If u dont buy it for anyother game except Gears of War. Youll be happy.

by MasterSpider

18 years, 1 month ago

Rumor has it that Metal Gear Solid 4 could come out for 360 because Konami doesn't like the way Sony's doing things. What that means, I don't know, but it adds another reason to pick one up.

If anything, it's a good investment. I bought one over the summer and went through the same dilemma as I didn't really have the cash for it, but when I got enough, I started thinking about GTA IV and I started drooling and there it went. And along the way, I've gotten Dead Rising and Gears of War and both have treated me beyond well. I say go for it…

by ilweran

18 years, 1 month ago

Bearing in mind I have an irrational hatred of the Playstation brand- possibly something to do with them killing the Dreamcast- both the Wii and the 360 are great in different ways, but if I had to choose one I'd go for the 360. There are some great games- Oblivion, Gears of War, Condemned, Dead Rising, I even enjoyed the last Tomb Raider game & it's been a long time since I've been able to say that.

I only have two problems with it- it won't play my GB2 DVD all the way through and I have to keep the original Xbox out to play Deus Ex: Invisible War & Project Snowblind.