contemplating buying an xbox 360...

by Zedd

18 years, 1 month ago

my husband bought himself an xbox 360 for christmas and we love it - Dead Rising is an AWESOME game and so addictive! At first I was really skeptical…like why do we need ANOTHER game system but it is a lot of fun.

by ilweran

18 years, 1 month ago

At first I was really skeptical…like why do we need ANOTHER game system but it is a lot of fun.

My boyfriend seemingly has to have every new console that comes out, but it has advantages- I get to play on them and he can't criticise me spending money on my hobbies

by fusi0n1

18 years, 1 month ago

my husband bought himself an xbox 360 for christmas and we love it - Dead Rising is an AWESOME game and so addictive! At first I was really skeptical…like why do we need ANOTHER game system but it is a lot of fun.
Haha, I got my Xbox 360 for Christmas as well! I was waiting for after Christmas sales, but the wife surprised me with an extra early pressie.

Dead Rising is great too. I want to get that one next after a friend showed it to me. What is there not to love about being surrounded in a shopping mall oozing with thousands of zombies? The only thing that was a downer, is that it isn't 2 player co-op…

Oh to Crossing the Streams, it's really up to you. But I wouldn't get the console just for the one Ghostbusters game. Because once you're done with that game, what's next? You don't want to have an expensive console just sitting there doing nothing. If you do game a lot, then it's a wise choice. Or wait for the PC version if you have a decent gaming setup.

by ilweran

18 years, 1 month ago

But I wouldn't get the console just for the one Ghostbusters game. Because once you're done with that game, what's next?

We got a PS2 for Ico and a whole new PC for Half-Life 2. Although the new PC was probably justified by the fact our old one is ancient, runs Win98 and crashes everytime it's shut down, once you've got the hardware you are likely to find other games you want.