Convention in the july 4th week of 2002!


23 years, 3 months ago

I have been going aroud board to board asking if anyone is going to this con, but people dont really give me much or a responce so, i'll just post it! it origins 2002, one of the biger conventions out there! whos going?!? If you want the origins site addy, ask me!

by terrible_one

23 years, 3 months ago

hi, that sounds awesome, i have always wanted to go to a convention all dressed up with my suite and pack. I would much apriciate it if you could drop me a line about this convention. Or the site taht would be cool too. But anyway if you could email me , that would be great. My address is


by Dr.Roberts

23 years, 3 months ago

Just post it so we can all take a look instead of MAKING us ask for it…sheesh!


by Ross

23 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, give the address to it. And please tell where it is, the date doesn't help us much if we don't know where the convention is!


23 years, 3 months ago

i didnt post it at first because, umm…i dont know i wasnt thinking sorry.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Who on this board keeps track of all the major conventions??

Or does anybody do that?

Maybe I'll start a poll to go a long with this post-

Where is the best place to show off your gear?

1. The Mall
2. Conventions
3. The neighborhood
4. The internet
5. School(mathematically improbable)
6. Something I couldnt think of

I'm not taking over the post I'm just curious. SPEAK BEFORE NEXT HALLOWEEN, M'kay?

by moobyghost

23 years ago

Yeah we'll (GBVA) will be there, I am getting my flight suit custem made whitin the next month. We are also planning skits and stuff. It will be a blast, if any other franchises wanna go, we'll have a great time I guarnatee!


by Russel_Turrner

23 years ago

I intrested in the convention and please e-mail me I was woundring about it were abouts. I'm a die-hard ghosthead and ghostbusters Kick A$$

P.S look for my Teams Fan-fic comming soon. Ghostbusters Dept.oo3

thank you
jakob schutz

by PeterKong

22 years, 11 months ago

I would be interested in a convention, but I probably wouldn't be able to make it anytime this year. I have no props yet, or a suit. Heck, I just got my site up and running and it isn't even finished yet. It also depends on when and where the convention takes place in the future. Sorry, but at this time I'm just not prepared.

by Ghostbuster505

22 years, 11 months ago

to bad I'm gonna be fightin fires all summer, especially in july, we need something closer to halloween, cause halloween and Gbs kindo go together, in my mind.