Converting .wma to .mp3

by Dreamstalker

18 years ago

My MP3 player for some reason does not like .wma files very much (it'll store them, but playback quality is horrible), so I'm trying to convert the Ghostbusters Remix project tracks to MP3.

It doesn't seem to be working…the program I'm using (Audio Conversion Wizard) acts as if it's converting the files, but the MP3's aren't in the folders they should be in (and nowhere on this computer; .WMA are the only files there).

Ideas? Has anyone managed to convert these tracks (or know where I can find MP3 versions)?

by castewar1

18 years ago

I use iTunes, which will automatically convert to mp3 (or whatever format you've selected.) And even if you don't use an iPod, it's handy - you can right click any file listed and ask for the dir where it's saved to pop open for you.

Depending on your prefered pipeline, it might not be the best solution for you, but it's the fastest and easiest way to deal with WMA files I've ever run into.

Which files are we talking about? If I have them, I can convert them. And if I don't, but someone can point me at them… uh, I can convert them.

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

SUPER, yeah that is it's name. Program converts so many things and it is FREEE.

I have gotten many trailers and such on iPods, converted WMA to MP3 for PSPs and did PSP video. All you need right there.

by Dreamstalker

18 years ago

Sweet, thanks! I did find another program, but the free version of it can only do 30 tracks and I wasted 3 getting the bitrate screwed up and corrected. I'll try that program.

(while I'm at it I should try to convert all the .wma files on my player too)

by sandmanfvr

18 years ago

With that, you can do as many as you want. I think you have to drag each track at a time, or maybe there is some easier way like open and select all. Either way, that program kicks ass.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 6 months ago

Can this program make mp3 from a cd?

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

I've found that Audacity Works quite nicely, but you have to make sure you have the plugin that'll allow you to export files as .mp3s.

by JohnnySparks

17 years, 6 months ago

the best audio conversion tool I have ever used is dbpoweramp. kind of pocketknife of converters. Great quality. Just right click and convert multiple files. Look into it.

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

the best audio conversion tool I have ever used is dbpoweramp. kind of pocketknife of converters. Great quality. Just right click and convert multiple files. Look into it.

+1 for truth, I need to locate the exe again.

by JohnnySparks

17 years, 6 months ago

the best audio conversion tool I have ever used is dbpoweramp. kind of pocketknife of converters. Great quality. Just right click and convert multiple files. Look into it.

+1 for truth, I need to locate the exe again.

I should have also mentioned that you can find it on torrents.. like D e m o n o i d and such..