Cool GB dreams.

by BusterJJS

22 years, 6 months ago

Hey last night I had a dream that the GBs were real and they were branching into all states. Well applied for the one in my state and I was hired along with four other friend just like the way Winston was. My groups first assignment was at a school. We went in there only knowing it was a class 6 so we split up and I took the science wing of the place.I went through two rooms didn't find a thing then in the third room a desk rattled(this is a desk you could open). I carefully went over and opened…..THEN HAHAHAHA!!! Inside it was what looked like the brother of slime, but it was cross eyed and pink. Now I had a gut feeling it wasn't the ghost I was looking for so I took a reading of it and it was a class 4. I stood there looking at it for a while then all of sudden ROOOOOOOOOOAR. I turned around and there was the class 6. It had the head of a rotting dragon's head and the rotting body of a gargoly. I froze like peter did in GB 1, but this thing was going to eat me. When it was close enought to do it the little pink ghost growled and rammed the creature in the face. That gave me enought time to get away I ran to the gym were the others were and was yelling it's coming then surely it came. That time I didn't freeze I whipped out my proton thrower and started firing. The others did the same. We tried hitting it but we couldn't it was fast. Then all of a suden a beam of energy shot up and sucked the creature into its point of origin. After we realized it was a trap, but none of us used it I followed the cord to behind the bleachers and there sitting on the switch and laughin its head offwas the pink cross eyed spud. Then I woke up.
If you have a dream about GB please tell me.

by Corruptor

22 years, 6 months ago

That sounds cool. I had a dream 2 weeks ago that was basically the whole movie (it seemed) for GB3. A real basic plot of the whole city being overrun by ghosts but the way it was in the dream was hard to describe. I woke up thinking “my god that was GB3!”.

So I went to this site (after not checking it out for a while)to see if there was any news on the project and was bummed to find out there was still no news. sad

by Proton_Pack

22 years, 6 months ago

I had a dream that I was a ghostbuster we had to bust gozer on the roof a convience store weird huh anyway I ended up saving the day when I through the trap down and nabbed her/him

by Biggsexi

22 years, 6 months ago

maybe you should write it down as a Fan Fiction, just elaborate more.. just an idea..

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 6 months ago

that is a good idea.

by kyleogb1983

22 years, 6 months ago

I used to dream about the Bogeyman, constantly chasing after me and he was trying to eat me.

by ProdigalSon

22 years, 6 months ago

I could say that you're nutz and that your dream could say some thing is seriously wrong with you. Unfortunatly, I've had dreams of busting ghosts in my high school too. I had the same one three or four times in the course of a few weeks. It involved an electrical ghost like the classic orange one from scooby-doo and the demon dogs from gb1. I can say that I throughly enjoyed the dreams. I've also dreamed of seeing GB3 and seeing previews for it. Some were so real I was convinced I actually say the preview the night before at the movies. God I need help. Or maybe not?

“Long live the Penguin King”

by AgentD

22 years, 6 months ago

Haven't we all had some sort of GB dream at some point in our lives as Ghostheads? I once dreamt I had seen the trailer for GB3, but now all I remember is a scene with Ecto-1 going into a skid and flipping over. Now that I think about it in the dream GB3 looked like a dark movie.

by PF4Eva

22 years, 6 months ago

Those sound like amazing dreams. I recall having a dream about Dan Aykroyd having a hit rap song that mimicked the “Black Suits Comin'” song from MIIB. I use it a lot when I'm writing up joke TRL recaps on the MTV website.