Could it ever live up to expectations?

by rcthompson88

15 years, 11 months ago

I mean, a third ghostbusters film is something that many of us have been dreaming of for a long long time. If it does end up happening, what are the chances you think that most fanboys will be disappointed with the result?

by rodie1

15 years, 11 months ago

I don't how many people here are expecting this to be super-awesome. For me personally as long as it is slightly better than GB2 I'll be a happy camper.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 11 months ago

Given how many people are resigned to the unrealistic expectation that there won't be new recruits (even though the video game is canon, and thus there is already a 5th Ghostbuster)… I think there will be several people who will be disappointed.

As for me, I'm going in with an open mind as far as pretty much everything. Everyone involved has said it will have to be a great script to get made, so I'm confident that that will happen, otherwise it won't get made. Bill Murray has held things back for so long, he seems rejuvenated with the franchise now and willing to listen. If they come up with a good script, he'll do it, so its going to have to be good.

by JoshuAD

15 years, 11 months ago

I think what you have to remember is that Ghostbusters was a comedy. In essence, all the writers/new cast have to provide us with is a funny movie, placed within the already built-in ghostbuster universe. It's easier than you think. Ignore this “MUST PLEASE THE DIE HARDS” mentality. If the movie goes into production, that means EVERYONE will be coming back to reprise their roles. That's a fact. Beyond that, you just have new guys - with their own styles of humor - taking on the plot. The amount of talent involved means it will be good. They're not going to sink the franchise with a stinker. People like Murray won't sign on if there is a danger of that.

by rcthompson88

15 years, 11 months ago

I think what you have to remember is that Ghostbusters was a comedy. In essence, all the writers/new cast have to provide us with is a funny movie, placed within the already built-in ghostbuster universe. It's easier than you think. Ignore this “MUST PLEASE THE DIE HARDS” mentality. If the movie goes into production, that means EVERYONE will be coming back to reprise their roles. That's a fact. Beyond that, you just have new guys - with their own styles of humor - taking on the plot. The amount of talent involved means it will be good. They're not going to sink the franchise with a stinker. People like Murray won't sign on if there is a danger of that.

I hope that is true. Ghostbusters had a real genius to its comedy. The timing, and sublty is just perfect, something that is not succesful done too much anymore. If a new movie could hold the same spirit and charm of the original, I would definetly be happy.
Having Dan involved in the script will definetly help, and I agree Murray will make sure its good, otherwise he probably would just not do it.

by Yehome

15 years, 11 months ago

What Doctor_Venkman said.

by OniellFord

15 years, 11 months ago

Ever since the Ghostbusters video game is coming out, I have begun to think that a 3rd movie is kind of a bad idea. I mean, it'd be nice for the new generation but the video game and (hopefully) it's sequal(s) would fit perfectly. The game does not require the same actors to get up and do things that they could do back in the early 80's, so the Video Game(s) would be perfect.

Like I said before, making another movie would be okay for the new generation. Just to see how it goes. But I think they should keep with the games rather than make more movies. It's just my opinion on it.

I am only hoping that a third movie will not ruin the franchise. Ghostbusters is something so perfect that it managed to capture the spirit of the 80's, like someone said.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 11 months ago

I don't think a third movie would ruin the franchise, the powers that be won't let that happen.

That said, I'd be fine with the Ghostbusters living on in video game form… I just want them to live on. After all these years, its great to have them back.

by OniellFord

15 years, 11 months ago

Doctor Venkman;139159
I don't think a third movie would ruin the franchise, the powers that be won't let that happen.

That said, I'd be fine with the Ghostbusters living on in video game form… I just want them to live on. After all these years, its great to have them back.

Ahmen to that, Venkmen!

I just hope they NEVER remake the very first Ghostbusters game for the Atari. Ya know?

“Conglaturation !!!
You have completed a great game.
And prooved the justice of our culture.
Now go and rest our heroes !”

I just hope to god they never do anything like that. Well, they'd have to be downright stupid to do something like that. Heck, porting the original game to the DS or PSP would be bad enough!

Crap…. I'm giving them ideas….

by slimer3881

15 years, 11 months ago

Well given that Dan and Harold are going to “proof read” the script, and that the movie wont go forward unless the script is utterly amazing, i dont think it would be anywhere near ‘bad’.

They're all on the same page, that GB2 was very inferior to the original, so i think they are aware of the mistakes that they've made with the second film. (though i enjoyed it, personally)

It may not be a “masterpeice” (if thats the expectation your looking forward to), but it will still be a very entertaining and awesome movie.