Could someone help me get doom working

by Spengler_Egon

22 years, 8 months ago

I dont know how to get the Ghostbusters doom working on my computer.

by beck

22 years, 8 months ago

i need some help also

by Lt.Handley

22 years, 8 months ago

maybe you should scroll down a bit to Get GB doom working (inside) it is the most helpful thing I've seen

by theo136

22 years, 8 months ago

1)You should have Doom 2 Full version, not any demo or shareware.

2)You own doom2 or downloaded it, and have it installed on your computer.

3)Then go to this URL: and download that file

4)Now download “GBDOOM.ZIP”

5)You downloaded both and and exctracted (unzipped) it into the Doom2 folder
(This should give you “zdoom.exe”)

6)You right clicked on the z-gbd2.bat file and removed D:\games\doom2 from behind zdoom.exe and clicked apply.

7)Click the Doom2 folder where evrything should be

8)Right click the file Z-gbd2.bat

9)click on Properties

10)Click on Program or Edit

11)Click the cmdline space, type this…
zdoom.exe -file zdoom.wad gbdemo.wad gbgfx.wad colmaps.wad -deh gbd2.deh

12)Now click the batch file space and type this…
zdoom.exe -file zdoom.wad gbdemo.wad gbgfx.wad colmaps.wad -deh gbd2.deh

13)Click Apply

their now that should work