Crazy Idea

by Ghostbuster505

23 years, 3 months ago

Here's My Idea:
The Batman movies just made me think, what if instead of being something like Ghostbusters III what if it was something like Ghostbusters return, or Ghostbusters forever, kinda lame, but it's a possibility. I mean no one ever thinks that it's batman II or the Sequal etc. It's a tricky little way they do it, mabey it could work with Ghostbusters. They could still have the logo with 3 fingers, etc. just a diff. name. It's Crazy, I know, so thrash it if you feel the need, I just thought that I would bring it before the group.

by creed

23 years, 3 months ago

Its not that bad of an idea… actually no offense kinda lameyikes

by stembob27

23 years, 3 months ago

Given todays higher intelectual movie goer , they would prob be forced to do something along those lines. Just saying ghostbusts three would confuse younger viewers and mess up with older views. What your dealing with, is bringing back a ‘trilogy’ that has been dead for 15 years. Look at star wars, they prove that you can do. But look at the movies title. Now a days, we refer to the 2nd two movies as the empire strikes back and return of the jedi. When they came out, however, the phrase ‘star wars’ came before the title. To pull off a third movie, the title would have to acknoledge that it's ghostbusters, but couldn't be simple like ‘ghostbusters 3’. It would have to leave alot to the imagination, and the trailer would have to bring an almost scary element to it. The plot would have to be more complex and the jokes would have to be less obvious . There would also have to be a good element of action. Above all though, if the have the patch with the three fingers……I'm sorry, no offense, but that would just kill it. It's would be the gayest thing they could do. It would kill the movie.

no offense,