Cross the streams podcast

by Brendan_M

13 years, 7 months ago

In June’s edition of ‘Cross the Streams Radio Show,’ Brendan is finally joined by his co-host Matt Prov for the roundtable segment in this episode. Both men sit down with Matthew Watkins of the UK Ghostbusters, Fernando Hernandez from the Long Island Ghostbusters, Sam Swōpe from the Steel City Ghostbusters and Carl Lyon (the guy made the Egon Bust).

Show 15
Intro/Monologue with Matt Prov
Commercials – Tire Busters/GB 2 Mood Slime
Roundtable with Guests

NY Daily News reporting that Ladder 8 could face closure
Matty posts Stay Puft video + Ghostbusters release schedule
Diamond releases first look at RGB Minimates exclusive 4 pack.
8.5′ Inflatable Stay Puft Marshmallow Man up for pre-order
Golden Ghost fan film contest now taking submissions
Ghostbusters United Franchise Newsletter: Issue 2 now available
Ghostbusters Themed Room -VIGO IS HERE
Casting News From November Revived!?
Sam Seamlessly promotes the Steel City Ghostbusters as soon as the opportunity arose…
Cross the Streams Radio Show/Ontario Ghostbusters attending Free Comic Book Day Events
(Sam once again shamelessly promotes his group)
Shout out to GB FAN Curtis!
Busterpalooza Contest
Sam wins your love with his “Guess Who” game (Giving away a Matty Collector GB2 Venkman MOC)
Ben Langlinais Busterpalooza/The Golden Ghost Awards Update!
Commercials-Twin City Ghostbusters/Alabama Ghostbusters Podcast
Matt Prov’s Interview with Ken Kapalowski
Goodbyes/Farewell to ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage.

NOTE: Here is the link to Sam Swope’s Guess Who Contest just email us at with the correct name of the GB Member Sam is talking about.

Left to Right: Top Row: Sarah Belham, Jacob Lockyer, Corey Grant, Chris Boeun, Blake Lockwood, Chris Brown. Third Row: Matt Ham, Monica Kruse, Chris Smith, Ryan Burke, Chris Sinqfield, Urvy Jaramillo, Jacob Street, Joshua Kuhlman. Second Row: Dave Burnett, Ben Langlinais, Patrick Hankamer, Jennifer Burke, Everett Hinote. Front: Dorien Lockyer, Kat Branch
(photo courtesy of FantaScenes Photography)

by Brendan_M

13 years, 6 months ago

In this special edition of Cross the Streams Radio Show, Matt and Brendan interview IDW’s creative team behind the new Ghostbuster Monthly Comic. After the in-depth interview interview, both Ghostheads continue to talk to Tristan Jones, Erik Burnham, Luis Antonio Delgad and Dapper Dan about GB Fan Films, Fan Art and had they seen Vigo lately?

Show 16
Intro with Matt Prov
Roundtable Guests: Tristan Jones, Erik Burnham, Luis Antonio Delgad and Dapper Dan.


Licensing International Expo – Sony targeting 2013 for third film?
Golden Ghost Fan Film Contest
Thoughts on The Ghostbusters of New Hampshire: “Spilled Milk.” If ”yes”, what was your favorite or best part of the film?
Who’s your favorite Ghostbusters and why?
Will the World Stop when GB2 hits Blu-Ray?
Which car is better, the Delorian or the ecto-1?
Do you have a favorite piece of Ghostbuster Fan Art?
Ghostbusters Themed Room -VIGO IS HERE!

by Brendan_M

13 years, 6 months ago

In July’s edition of ‘Cross the Streams Radio Show,’ Jason Fitzsimmons hosts Episode 17, as Brendan and Matt join in on the roundtable with a slew of Ghostheads in a very heated Ghostbusters discussion. Brendan, Jason and Matt are joined by, Fernando Hernandez from the Long Island Ghostbusters, Sam Swōpe and Brandon Carnahan from the Steel City Ghostbusters and Brock Parker from the Alabama Ghostbusters. The men discuss everything from GB Toys from, the Golden Ghost Awards and the latest GB3 News from Aykroyd himself.

Show 17
Intro/Monologue with Jason Fitzsimmons
Roundtable with Guests

Matty announces upcoming All-Star Sale
Club Ecto-1 2012 memberships on sale Friday, July 22nd
Yes, there was going to be an Extreme Ghostbusters toy of Garrett
Yet another rock cover for upcoming IDW Ghostbusters series revealed
Golden Ghost Awards wrap up
Alabama Ghostbusters hosting tornado relief auction + Ghostbusters 2 screening
GBNews + Spook Central gets mentioned on Hustler Press Release
Aykroyd tweets: Back to work on GB3

Goodbyes/Contact info/Farewell to ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage.

Size: 39.5 MB
Length: 42yikes7

Special Guests: Jason Fitzsimmons, Fernando Hernandez, Sam Swōpe, Brock Parker and Brandon Carnahan.

We hope everyone enjoys the latest episode and if there are any questions, concerns, comments, or if you’d like to come on the show, please email:

Don’t forget to check out our deviant art account at

by jettajeffro

13 years, 6 months ago

That is my favorite graphic for an episode yet.

by Brendan_M

13 years, 5 months ago

Thanks so much Jeff, your comments don't go unnoticed. Personally, show 18's artwork could be my favorite.

Show 18 Questions/Topics:

How did you decide that you would go into Acting?
Is there a favorite role you’ve always been most proud of?
How did ‘Far from the Tree’ come to be?
How did Robin’s Super Uber Funky Friday Happy Dance materialize from?
How did you land the audition for Slimer?
How long would it take to become Slimer?
How often did you get to work with Ivan Reitman or Bill Murray up close and personally?
Did they want to go in a new direction with Slimer?
Can you remember any scenes you filmed, but were sadly cut due to creative difference?
Did you realize the Ghostbusters Franchise itself would be a ‘Wizard of Oz’ to a whole generation?
How does it feel to have action figures made of a character that you played?
Do you have any plans for attending more conventions?
Are the Ghostbusters Fans too much at times? Do you ever want to tell us to get a life or a job?
Has the character Slimer been a burden or blessing?
Who was your favorite Ghostbuster – both professionally and in the final cut of the films?
What are your thoughts on the current status/rumors of Ghostbusters 3?
How do you feel about CGI in movies made today?
Chat about GB Fan Films
What future projects do you have in store for your fans?

Size: 67.65 MB
Length: 49:15

by Brendan_M

13 years, 4 months ago

Show 19 by Kevin James

In this year’s Augusts’ edition of ‘Cross the Streams Radio Show,’ Kevin James helms the latest episode and is joined along with Scott Silver from the Ghostbusters of Salt Lake & Vinny from the SoCal Ghostbusters! The three gentlemen discuss the upcoming Ghostbuster Action Figures, the RGB Action Figures, and the upcoming prop! IT’S A TRAP! The guys start off by talking about the Real Tampa Bay Ghostbusters interview with IDW’s GB, series editor Tom Waltz!

by Brendan_M

13 years, 2 months ago

Show 20

IIn this year’s October edition of Cross the Streams Radio Show, Matt and Brendan interview IDW’s Tristan Jones, who takes from his duties on the on-going Ghostbuster Monthly Comic. Other guests on the roundtable are’s very own Jason Fitzsimmons, Steel City Ghostbuster Sam Swope and first timer on the show Todd Whalen from the B.C. Ghostbusters. After the in-depth interview interview, the group gets as much info as they can from Tristan on the monthly GB Comic before moving on to other topics, such as the Matty Traps and the GB Screening that have been happening across the world this past month. Oh, did we mention that we have Jason Mewes on for a quick interview.

Show 20
Intro with Matt Prov
Roundtable Guests: Tristan Jones, Todd Whalen, Jason Fitzsimmons and Sam Swope.

We Grill Tristan Jones on the latest IDW News on the GB Monthly Comic
13 Ghosts of Hallowe’en
Matty Trap Arrives…did they bite off too much than they can chew? (we compare the Trap to the PKE Meter).
Ontario Ghostbusters attend Dan Aykroyd signing
GB Screenings Worldwide
Up-Coming Controversial GB Monthly Comic Book Character
AMT Re-Releasing the Ecto-1A Model
IDW GB Monthly Comic Timeline
Will IDW eventually go to Extreme Ghostbusters?
IDW’s Monthly Ghostbusters Comic Book Continuity

Matt Prov interviews Jason Mewes
Wrap Up & Goodbyes