curious about "who would relplace who" in GB3. anybody?

by back

23 years, 3 months ago

Ive always been parial to chris rock or will smith.
im gone.

by ShadyKnicks

23 years, 3 months ago

I think these people should “replace” the old GB:
Winston- Mikilia Phifer ( guy from O and Brians Song)
Ray- Josh Harnett
Egon- ? Any suggestions?
Peter- David Arguette

by Rune

23 years, 3 months ago

On the original statement realeased last year by Dan Akroyd stated that no one would be replaced. they were hoping for all the originals to come back but they would teach a new group of younger people to do the bustin for them. in mind they had Will Smith-but the one problem was they said he might be too expensive ot hire-DAvid Spade-Chris farley-this was an idea before he died.-and i hate to say it but Leonardo De Caprio(however you spell it)- but that was the lateset info on who would be new in it. then recently they dropped the idea completly because Dan in no longer with Columbia pictures.

by Texasgb

23 years, 3 months ago

If it is made most of the origional cast should be in it. Dana may not fit in the script. With more concentration on the younger Ghostbusters it may be too much of a deversion for her relationship with Venkman to get written in. Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, David Spaid, Sean and Marylin Wayns are all good cast prospects. Rick is too funny not to be in it.

by thePizzaMaster

23 years, 3 months ago

I've had this well thought out for awhile. Ray and Egon (the origanls) would return to mentor three new Ghostbusters:
1. Will Smith
2. Freddie Prinze Jr
3. Hugh Jackman

Stick a Spork in Me, I'm done

by ParanormalGB2K1

23 years, 3 months ago

Matt LeBlanc (SP? The dude from Friends)
Steve Zahn
Hayden Christinsen


by eKtopLaZmiC

23 years, 3 months ago

i dont think chris rock would work and will smith i think could work becaus he was in M.I.B chris rock wouldnt work because hes not gb material he prolly doesnt even know what the hell a proton pack is dont get me wrong chris rock is funny but he just wouldnt fit in

by bigpapi428

23 years, 3 months ago

david spade
adam sandler
hugh jackman
and the ups guy from mad tv( i dunno his name)

by GBSlimerFan

23 years, 3 months ago

I would Say…

Will Smith, Matthews Lilard, Jack Black, and Hugh Jackman.

Maybe Jack Black would be too goofy though.

by S.Venkman

23 years, 2 months ago

Whats wrong with you people?! In Ghosbusters 1- Egon, Spengler and Venkman were all in their early 30's. How can guys like Freddie Prinze JR play one of them if he's only in his 20's!? Maybe he could play the son of one of them… OR NOT! He's a shitty actor anyway. If Bill Murray's not in GB3, it wont be Ghostbusters… BILL MURRAY IS GHOSTBUSTERS!!!!!!! Yea.