curious about "who would relplace who" in GB3. anybody?

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

If you think time wise even now Oscar would still be to young to play a part as a Ghostbuster, he was maybe a year or less old in GB 2.

by Texasgb

23 years, 1 month ago

Due to the fact that GB3 is not going to be made soon I posted that because he would be at an appropriate age. If it were to be made today you are correct in that it would not work.

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

You have a point Texas, I thought about the timing when I posted that. Though, with very little background, Oscar would be…..errr….an interesting addition. Just as long as Louis doesnt quit his day job if you know what I mean wink

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

Oscar huh?……mmmmmm, I like the idea of winstone's nephew more, but that ones ok…

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

It would be extremely funny to have David Spade play a part after all, he's always being beat up and he's extremely…..stupid… wink

by MasterSpider

23 years, 1 month ago

I would definately say for my final 3,(yes, only 3, no need for anymore than that) Chris Rock as the new lead type character, Jimmy Fallon, and Jack Black. Chris Rock, smart, sarcastic guy, Jimmy Fallon sort of a mix between Ray and Egon except not as smart, and Jack Black as an an idiotic everyman. No, no one would be replaced, they had scenes planned in the script of the OGB's teaching the new ones.

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

Davis Spade would be too good…hey, it just pop in there…that guy from “Zoolander”, Ben Stiller….just think of him with a jumpsuit and a proton pack….he would look extremely funny…

by dohrayegon

23 years, 1 month ago

Plot idea… of younger, fitter ghostbusters in competition with the originals. Have to come together to “save the world”, end originals retire. I like the idea of Oscar and Ben Stiller, not Will Smith/Chris Rock.Also i'm avalible if their looking for a scottish GB!!!

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

what about Mike Meyers (or whatever is his name)

by Zebrapix

23 years, 1 month ago

If not the original cast, then I say No Movie.

Remember the Magnificent Seven? Great flick. Return of the Magnificent Seven, not so great because it just had Chris (Yul Brenner) and a bunch of new guys. The Magnificent Seven TV show? lame remake without the fire of the film.

Picture a sequel to the ORIGINAL Ocean's 11 (if that's even possible) without Frank, Sammy and Dean. Sure, remake it 30 years down the road with a whole new schtick, but it would be blasphemy to pick up the trilogy replacing actors or characters.

Columbia already redid Ghostbusters with Will Smith and called it “Men In Black” I doubt they or he'd want to do another flick so close to the same genre.

I know it sounds like I want the great dream of “GB3” to die, but c'mon…

“Meatballs 2” without Tripper. “Caddyshack 2” without Carl. Bad ideas that went ahead became half the weight of the original.

Ghostbusters 3 without the originals? Maybe in cartoons, but not on the big screen.