curious about "who would relplace who" in GB3. anybody?

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

who said no to the big guys?, everyone whos talking here agrees with you about the original team, plus of course, a couple of young faces…

by Zebrapix

23 years, 1 month ago

You have four guys, add Louis. Add Jeanine. Add Dana. That's seven main characters to cover before you even introduce a bad guy. Hard to pull of in 90 minutes.

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

well, louis and dana can have only a cameo, janine only answers the phone, and the guys?, yeah, they are allrught with 3 or 4 new gbS…90 minute should be fine, but if not….wel, who cares about 30 extra minutes? hell, more time, more ghostbusting action!!

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

adding new characters with less important roles is ok, no one can take over the original cast members. Maybe if someone else started a rival ghostbusting company similar to the originals and competed with them, you could put new characters there. There should just be no replacing anyone.

by Zebrapix

23 years, 1 month ago


I like the idea of competition. I think it's important to tell a simple story well instead of expanding the myth. After 12 years, we need to spend time with “The Guys” a return bout with Gozer, an ultimate threat, but THEM versus IT. Maybe a torch-passing. I just don't want to give up 30 minutes to a group of supporting characters when we all really want to see the Boys kick ecto.

by MasterSpider

23 years, 1 month ago

I'm for new people all together. The originals roles in the third would be very important and their screen time would be important, is what Dan has said. But another movie with the old Ghostbusters would be too much. It would get reviews like that movie “The Crew”. A new cast is perfect, I think anyway. Chris Rock, Jimmy Fallon, and either Jack Black or Michael Rapaport. smile

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

nah, i agree that no one should be replaced…but i still think a supporting team would be good, but i love the idea of a rival ghostbusters…
maybe a fake ghostbusters…

by Zebrapix

23 years, 1 month ago

Sigourney won't come back unless Murray is involved and they pay her lots of $$$. If not, you HAVE to have a love interest for Murray or the new lead male character. That cuts into the time for “ghostbusting action”.

Rick Moranis as Tully may be eliminated as far as I'm concerned, though many fans love the little guy. Moranis probably wouldn't agree to do it unless everybody was involved and he had some significant role to perform.

Annie Potts is a wild card. She has her own series on Lifetime, though she's not a top draw right now. She IS an important part of the team and could be a valuable part of a new story, perhaps as a love interest for Egon. I thought she was ridiculous in the sequel, but they seemed to be going for a cartoon recreation there.

So if you have a new team coming in as rivals, they CAN'T be the new franchise that takes over the movies. It's bad juju. “Oh they're the competition, we must beat them…oh they help us bea the nasty bad guys, so they must be the next ghostbusters” storyline is goofy. I'd RATHER see the Ghostbusters beat a team of investigators and convert a few of them a la “Tombstone”.

Anyone see that movie?

by drugasbuster

23 years ago

hmmm, interesting, youre right, but i still agree with the fact of two gb teams, the original and a supporting, maybe trainees, maybe enemies, maybe not, but two teams…

by RoboProp

23 years ago

I'd like to see Chevy Chase make and appearance as a fellow instructor from the university who joins the group after getting the boot from Dean Yeager.

Hey, it could happen…