curious about "who would relplace who" in GB3. anybody?

by Zebrapix

23 years ago

My biggest concern about new people in the suits. Sony would want to hire new (read “cheap”) talent, give it a whole new spin - vampires, werewolves, etc. and send it to video.

Now, here's something to chew on: A live-action television series. New characters to explore and get to know, more time with the heroes and more villains over 22 episodes a season. Produced by Reitman, Gross, and Medjuck, maybe Aykroyd as “technical consultant”

I'd love to see a pilot at least.

by RoboProp

23 years ago

I hear that!

by drugasbuster

23 years ago

i like that, i really do…

by Ectodude

23 years ago

let me be frank, the whole idea of replacing the originals is rediculous. its not possible to change original character. i mean, with the cartoon they were able to get away with it, but when it comes to faces, it just wouldnt look right. if it was a remake, then you might say so, but its a 2nd sequal. if a new crew comes in, to replace the old ones, then that might be reasonable.

honestly, i think the EGB plot has to be engaged if the 3rd were to become on the big screen. if Murray doesnt want to do it… to hell with him. we could just have Egon and Ray train the kids. thats the way it was EGB.

my question is, Why do you hate EGB? is it because you just like the originals better? look, i hate to say this, but they're going to die someday. after that, the idea dies with them becuase you liked the characters more then the idea of Ghostbusters in general.

I like Ghostbusters in gereral. its the fact that they use specail technology to fight the dead. its more of a science facture to me then it is chrarcter. character is a by-product to me. if they fine-tuned the EGB characters, you just might turn to like them like you love the originals.

im sorry, i seem to have lost track of the post. botton line: you cant just replace the original actors for the original characters with new actors.ittl just piss off the fans, and confuse the movie-goers that know the story alittle themselves.

by Zebrapix

23 years ago

Ectodude -

Yeah, yer right. I would respect a series of shows with a new cast which would let us get to know them and build their characters for a new generation of viewers.

Ghostbusters is a movie that is more than a shoot-em-up. It relies HEAVILY on the chemistry between the actors and the story of their rise (or return) to glory. About how much of the original movie involves actual “busting”? You have the hotel, the montage (without really seeing any shooters) and the climax. The rest is the conflict between them and New York, between Venk and Dana, between Dana and her Fridge, etc. The comedy is what sold the movie to the public.

A major motion picture without the orignal cast is too risky. One without Murray is like trying to sell a cow with three legs. You may see it otherwise, but the studio won't. The public won't.

However, if you want the franchise to survive and want to experience Ghostbusters it would make more sense to reinvent it for television.

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

I agree, but it would take some top notch MOVIE actors to make it watchable. No one wants Ray Ramano to be in it, and they would also need cameos every few episodes from movie characters.

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

I agree, but it would take some top notch MOVIE actors to make it watchable. No one wants to see Ray Ramano and Michael Richards in Ghostbusters suits, and they would also need cameos every few episodes from movie characters.

by RoboProp

23 years ago

Ray Romano!… God help us!

by Ectodude

23 years ago

wait, isnt that guy from “Everybodly Loves Raymond”?

i mean, hed be good for voicing the cartoon Egon, but crisit, dont get me started!

by ecto-3

23 years ago

A rival ghostbusting company started by someone who really hates the ghostbusters altogether. This company would have to play dirty as in stealing from the GBs, framing them, that sort of thing.

This way you can add a lot of irony, sort of what they did with walter peck(everyone hated him so do the same with this company). In the end whoever is head of that company meets his maker when he/she tries taking on the master ghost(traditional storyline).

I agree with some people on the fact that using the same old crew for a third time could be a little bland, but replacing them entirely just wouldnt be right. Here we have a real problem wink