The items that have been up on eBay recently have been from the collection of producer Michael Gross; they were put on the block on eBay LIVE by an outfit called Profiles in History.
You can check out my archived collection here to see a few of the pieces that I've been lucky enough to get a hold of:
http://www.gbdetroit.comProfiles in History holds a couple of auctions every year w/ heavily-priced film memorabilia; however, the content varies from auction to auction. In the past couple of auctions, Gross has consigned many of the items you've seen on eBay (listed throughout eBay, although the auction was in fact a live auction in Los Angeles….eBay allows for absentee bids).
The trend may or may not continue; it all depends on Gross' willingness to consign items to PIH. If it puts it in perspective for you, the 2nd to last PIH auction had around 6 GB pieces, and the last one had only two….perhaps this is a harbinger of decreasing stock from Mr. Gross.
Thus, it's impossible to say whether or not the trend will continue….from where I'm sitting, I'd say that the trend is likely to decrease in regards to the Gross items from PIH, as it appears that his involvement w/ the company is diminishing. However, there will ALWAYS be items on the market, and always people willing to snag them up……so be ready for competition (from myself included
Also, keep in mind that many of these props are
extremely costly, particularly the ones from PIH…..take, as an example, the Aykroyd flightsuit: $17,000 for the ONE piece of memorabilia. The items that I've aquired in my personal collection range in cost from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars and up, so remember, collecting film memorabilia from a film of this pop culture status will always be expensive. Not that I'm trying to dissuade you; believe me, it's a VERY rewarding experience. Just want you to be aware of the potential addiction and cost inherent in the hobby. (^_^)