Cursed Artifact in Hotel Ballroom.

by onlyzuul1

15 years, 7 months ago

in the room where you and Peter bust Slimer, i noticed that the back wall had a high PKE spike for a cursed artifact (where the drinks are located, next to the food trays), yet i have searched high and low throughout the room and cannot find the artifact.

Help! where is it?

also: where do i go to complete the airborne coffins achievement? I never saw any when i played through it. Twice!

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

The artifact in the Ball Room is behind the wall. The right side of the liquor station wall can be destroyed to allow for you to walk behind the wall.

The Airborne Coffins are in Central Park Cemetery at the Altar during the section called “Air Raid” the begining of the area Ray say's that they are under an air raid…hints the name of the section