Gh0stbusterVincent Belmont
Ah, so THIS was the debacle I was hearing so much about. (*egon)
Jeez, are you still arguing about this.
Is that a question, or a statement? I don't recall “arguing” about this.
Must be BIG news on the other site's.
Actually, smartass, I found out about it here:
One thing I don't get is why you still here if those other site's you talking about are much better.
One thing I don't get is why after making a simple observation, someone comes screaming “foul.”
I call this common phenomenon “Public outcry of a guilty conscience.”
If you want to get nasty with me, missy, I'd brush up on your punctuation, contractions, pronouns, and posessive nouns. I don't duel with unarmed opponents.
All of that aside, you DO have a remarkable talent for making DVD covers.