custom ghostbusters dvd covers

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 7 months ago

No offense man, but I think you either need to start changing up what you're doing, or just stop.

Every cover looks pretty much the same at this point.

Adding a red border, or removing a red border, isn't something that I would consider a “new cover” personally.

I get that you're just doing it for fun, but the last few you've posted all look nearly identical.

by ash.will.return

13 years, 7 months ago

i really wish you leave me alone, i understad that i have to put up with good and bad comments. but you are geting to me and you know what mom says? if you cant say nothing nice dont say nothing at all, so sir good day to you! lol

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 7 months ago

i really wish you leave me alone, i understad that i have to put up with good and bad comments. but you are geting to me and you know what mom says? if you cant say nothing nice dont say nothing at all, so sir good day to you! lol

What are you talking about? This is the first time I have posted in this thread. It's not like I'm chasing you around. You posted something for people to see and comment on, and I commented. If you don't want people to be honest with you, or don't want feedback, then don't post your stuff for others to comment on. You can't post something and then only accept positive comments.

I wasn't even rude. I just posted my comments on it, and even said “no offense.”

What a ridiculous over-reaction. That was incredibly childish. Time to grow up.

If you post things here, people will comment on them, myself included. If you don't want to hear honest feedback, then don't post things, plain and simple.

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 7 months ago

Sorry Ash, I'm really not digging your covers. They look like you took an old VHS cover and scanned it in paint.

And the last one doesn't even have a good version of the logo.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 7 months ago

Peter Venkmen;168780
Well, not to sound insulting, but you took offense on there comments way too serously. But they are right, the images are extremely low-res and won't look good when printed. They look almost bootlegish. It's fine to be proud of your work, but you have to learn to take criticisim.

See ash, you had the same problem 5 months ago when you threw a tantrum and claimed you wouldn't be making any more covers because someone said they didn't like them.

You are not open to criticism, and are only looking for people to praise your work as exemplary without pointing out anything that could be improved upon.

Honestly, I'm not being insulting, I'm honestly asking, how old are you? Because you're not acting mature or grown up about something as simple as a custom DVD cover that you made on your computer. Any time anyone says anything remotely negative you throw a tantrum and act like they're picking on you.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 7 months ago

Sorry Ash, I'm really not digging your covers. They look like you took an old VHS cover and scanned it in paint.

And the last one doesn't even have a good version of the logo.

Not only this, but you're using common fonts that show that it's been made on a computer in Paint or some other simple program, and use a consistent font throughout the whole thing. Having too many fonts becomes distracting and looks unprofessional.

You should also change the “15th anniversary collector's edition” to more accurately reflect the current timeline.

Now go ahead and flame me again for being a big meanie.

by ash.will.return

13 years, 7 months ago

look i asked nice and there are ppl who like my covers, i like comments from both ins, i keep posting cuz i trying to learn how to do them better. but if its really a big deal then ok ill stop, its not a big deal. in to note i was being funny if i was rude then i would put f words all over. and yes you do come in everything, i reply or post and say something to me, that makes me not wont to come back. i am sorry if i came off wrong somewhat and jay thank you for commentsmile ill try to do better but i wont post anymore covers. so with that i am asking mod to close post, i have no hard feelings to you dr v. i just get to worked up, cuz i do work hard on these covers. i really hope someone other then me, will make new dvd covers. so with that said i will not be posting here anymore thanks to everyone who commented good or bad! and i with you a good daysmile edit sorry dr venkman for some reason i was thinking you where peter venkman. l sorry i was wrong my bad man i am sorry really sorry…

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 7 months ago

look i asked nice and there are ppl who like my covers, i like comments from both ins, i keep posting cuz i trying to learn how to do them better. but if its really a big deal then ok ill stop, its not a big deal. in to note i was being funny if i was rude then i would put f words all over. and yes you do come in everything, i reply or post and say something to me, that makes me not wont to come back. i am sorry if i came off wrong somewhat and jay thank you for commentsmile ill try to do better but i wont post anymore covers. so with that i am asking mod to close post, i have no hard feelings to you dr v. i just get to worked up, cuz i do work hard on these covers. i really hope someone other then me, will make new dvd covers. so with that said i will not be posting here anymore thanks to everyone who commented good or bad! and i with you a good daysmile edit sorry dr venkman for some reason i was thinking you where peter venkman. l sorry i was wrong my bad man i am sorry really sorry…

It's no problem. It sounds like an honest mistake. No big deal.

That said, I hope that you change your mind and continue to post here. Whether or not you post more covers is up to you, but if you do, realize that when people comment on them, some will be negative, while others will offer ideas that will make them better. We can all improve, no matter what we're doing, so if you can calm yourself, and look at everyone's comments objectively, with a productive goal in mind, then you can improve on your covers, and end up with better versions, and new skills because of it.

Just a suggestion, but it is of course up to you if you want to leave for good or not.

by ash.will.return

13 years, 7 months ago

i will keep posting but no more covers, i cant seem to fix the fonts, the last i used makingit with

by PeterVenkmen

13 years, 7 months ago

for some reason i was thinking you where peter venkman. l sorry i was wrong my bad man i am sorry really sorry…

I wasn't being offensive about anything, I merely gave my opinion. You really need to calm down when someone gives their opinion on anything you work. No one is discouraging stop posting your covers. And as I suggested already (and many others have), you should really consider making these images bigger because with the size it's at now, it's going to look really low quality when printed out.