Custom Location Patches, anyone?

by Ectodude

22 years, 3 months ago

As one of the members of GB:CD, i came up wih an idea with regional patch designs. what i mean is customizing the standard GBI patch to be intergrated with… oh, say the city or state flag of the area your franchise covers. IE the Chicago Division redision of the GBI logo. its the same basic design with the Chicago flag running through it at an angle.

what i asking here, is what other franchise has custom patch designs, or anything of the like?

by SpecterHarness

22 years, 3 months ago

The East Tennessee GB's have “E.T.G.B.” on the middle bar. We were going the put the three stars of TN on it, like a unity thing between the three TN parts. Unfortunately, the Middle TN GB's don't talk to us hardly and I haven't found any West TN gb's. We hope to have our site up

by Kingpin

22 years, 3 months ago

I came up with the idea of having the Gb logo with the red in the phobition replaced by a Union Jack.