Custom RGB Ecto 1

by Venkman582

17 years, 8 months ago

Hello all,

I am planing on doing a custom Ecto 1 for my RGB figures, I would like to try and transplant the sirens and lights from the Trendmasters EGB Ecto 1 to the
Kenner Ecto 1.

I was wondering if any one here had any ideas on how to take the roofs off of the cars . Should I use a Dremel or is there another tool that will cut the plastic better?

Any help will be greatly appreciated .

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 8 months ago

A dremel will cut ANYTHING.

Eats through plastic beautifully. Good luck.

by Nix

17 years, 8 months ago

Midcoast Ghostbuster
Hello all,

I am planing on doing a custom Ecto 1 for my RGB figures, I would like to try and transplant the sirens and lights from the Trendmasters EGB Ecto 1 to the
Kenner Ecto 1.

I was wondering if any one here had any ideas on how to take the roofs off of the cars . Should I use a Dremel or is there another tool that will cut the plastic better?

Any help will be greatly appreciated .

Try doing what I did, Midcoast:

Buy a few of those magnetic LED pins (look in Walgreen's or places like that), make a support beam from wood and Velcro, and use that to hold the pins where the flashing lights go. As for controlling the lights, well, that's why I used Velcro to hold the support beams in place! (I find Industrial Strength Velcro works best.)

All the best,

by Venkman582

17 years, 8 months ago

Thanks for your help.

I will check the stores in my area for the stuff I need and practice using the Dremel, I haven't used it yet.

I will try to post pictures when I am done with it.

PS: I am missing the driver's side door to the Kenner Ecto 1, do you know where I can find another one?

by Nix

17 years, 8 months ago

Midcoast Ghostbuster
Thanks for your help.

I will check the stores in my area for the stuff I need and practice using the Dremel, I haven't used it yet.

I will try to post pictures when I am done with it.

PS: I am missing the driver's side door to the Kenner Ecto 1, do you know where I can find another one?

Try Marketplace, just “down the hall”. There's always something down there.

by Venkman582

17 years, 8 months ago

Okay I looked at both my Ectomobiles toady, as luck would have it the Trendmasters EGB Ecto 1 roof section pops right off so I did not have to use my dremel yet.

The roof is smaller than I thought, so I think in stead of replaceing the roof of the Kenner Ecto 1 toataly, I think that I will try to do something simalar to this,

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 8 months ago

That conversion is BADASS!!! Saw it a loooong time ago… one of my favorite and un-retarded ghostbusters projects

by Nix

17 years, 6 months ago

Could somebody decipher what he did and tell me about it so that I may do the same?

Frankly, I'm mystified by his description.