Daeg Faerch (Young Michael Myers) recast in sequel H2!

by pf4eva1

16 years ago

Has anybody else heard the heartbreaking news? Daeg Faerch, who practically OWNS the role of Young Michael Myers, has confirmed that the role is being recast due to his height. We the fans are outraged and pissed at this decision. I, for one, was so looking forward to seeing Daeg on the big screen again as young Myers. But after flying down to Georgia and filming a few H2 scenes just recently, the bad/sad/wrong news has been broken that he's out of the picture. :-(

Ever since I saw the remake, I couldn't see anybody else playing the role and doing it justice. Anybody who even tries will pale in comparison. Daeg played a chilling, psychotic, terrifying, and sympathetic Myers, all at the same time. Nobody would be able to hold a candle to that, not even if Anthony Hopkins put on a long blond wig and SFX and camera tricks shrunk him down in size and age. If Robert Zemeckis can do what he did with Tom Hanks in The Polar Express, then Rob Zombie can do the same with Daeg in H2.

There's been a lot of outrage and backlash already, and it's only going to grow until Rob reverses his decision. The petition currently has 4 signatures.

Edit to add: There's a pic on Fangoria.com of Daeg filming a scene for H2 before his dismissal. Doesn't look like his height should be a big deal. He and Sherri are sitting down, so nobody's gonna notice his height. Rob should rehire Daeg and film scenes with angles like this if Daeg is indeed so tall that it matters. Daeg Faerch IS young Myers, like everybody is saying. We will not take another actor in the role.

by Chace

16 years ago

As someone in the biz, it's almost impossible that the kid's height is an issue. That can easily be shot around. He and his mother have a TERRIBLE rep as being difficult to work with, I'm sure that's probably either the real issue, or closer to it.

As far as the petition goes, useless. And if I WERE to sign one it'd be for the film to not be made at all and somehow to retroactivly destroy the first Halloween remake, and all the other shabby remakes that the evil-devilworshipping-megaconglomerate-hollywood-machine is shoving down our throats.

But I digress.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

If Robert Zemeckis can do what he did with Tom Hanks in The Polar Express, then Rob Zombie can do the same with Daeg in H2.

You do realize that The Polar Express is a CGI movie right? The two aren't comparable situations.

There's been a lot of outrage and backlash already, and it's only going to grow until Rob reverses his decision. The petition currently has 4 signatures.

I'm sorry, I get that you're upset and want to change things, and I'm sure there's been a fairly big outcry over this to some degree… but its quite ironic and really funny for you to say there's “a lot of outrage and backlash” and then go on to say 4 people have signed the petition.

by Chace

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;136463
You do realize that The Polar Express is a CGI movie right? The two aren't comparable situations.

I was thinking the same thing, but having never actually WATCHED it I didn't know for sure.

I also agree on the 4 ppl thing as well.

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Outrage? Heartbreaking?

This news is neither. Unfortunate, yes. But the world isn't ending… and seeing as this franchise should've been taken out back and shot years ago it really is of little concern, seeing as how often recasting happens in Hollywood.

If Robert Zemeckis can do what he did with Tom Hanks in The Polar Express, then Rob Zombie can do the same with Daeg in H2.

A rediculous comparison, in addition to Dan's point of one being CGI and the other being live action, you cannot compare Robert Zemeckis to Rob Zombie because frankly, Zemeckis is just better in pretty much every regard.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

The only outraging and heatbreaking news I see is official confirmation that a sequel to the remake is being made. Like said by someone else they should retroactively destroy that first piece of crap.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years ago

I didn't think the remake was that bad. But the recasting of young Micheal Myers doesn't really bother me.

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

The only outraging and heatbreaking news I see is official confirmation that a sequel to the remake is being made. Like said by someone else they should retroactively destroy that first piece of crap.

*Amen brotha (*peter)…


by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

The best part might be this (from the “petition”):

This is like recasting Batman, Spider-Man, or Iron Man in the middle of a series; it just wouldn't work.

Batman has been recast 3 times now (including one reboot) since the 1980's.

Spider-Man is probably going to be re-cast after the next movie.

Iron Man will be the exception here, although there's only been one movie, and yes Downey Jr. did an awesome job, but it's still possible to recast him.

Oh, the “outrage” has been raised to 7 people now.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years ago

A recast can work, but it's just really annoying if it happens every single film lol. I don't think it's a big deal in this case. The outrage of 8 people lol.