Dan Ackroyd talks GB3 on TV Show

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 5 months ago

4 new ghostbusters one female. Could be grasping at straws but could it be Extreme Ghostbusters team?

Yeah…a guy in a wheelchair was feasible in the cartoon…but not live action.

by theling

14 years, 5 months ago

Yeah…a guy in a wheelchair was feasible in the cartoon…but not live action.

So you're saying that in this day an age, the idea of a character in a wheelchair it would be IMPOSSIBLE for them to be able to bust ghosts? Using the magic of film? Really. Not feasible at all?

Just… wow.

by cpm72586

14 years, 5 months ago

Anybody else feel like Murray may not be in GB3? Seems like Aykroyd may be trying to prepare people for his absence by saying things like Bill doesn't have to work, he has kids to worry about, and if he doesn't want to work and remain private he should respect that?

by theling

14 years, 5 months ago

Anybody else feel like Murray may not be in GB3? Seems like Aykroyd may be trying to prepare people for his absence by saying things like Bill doesn't have to work, he has kids to worry about, and if he doesn't want to work and remain private he should respect that?

Hmmm… that's interesting. Maybe, but hasn't the mantra been for years that they will only do it again if everyone is on board? Besides Moranis, of course.

Another intriguing note (thought it will likely proliferate as a superfluous thread of it's own) Dan was interviewed in Burnaby, BC. He was asked on a scale of 1-10 how likely will GB3 get made. He gave it an 8.

by batman2

14 years, 5 months ago

Hmmm… that's interesting. Maybe, but hasn't the mantra been for years that they will only do it again if everyone is on board? Besides Moranis, of course.

Another intriguing note (thought it will likely proliferate as a superfluous thread of it's own) Dan was interviewed in Burnaby, BC. He was asked on a scale of 1-10 how likely will GB3 get made. He gave it an 8.


I saw that interview on YouTube as well, I think he was saying that the delay so far is just trying to organise a schedule when everyone was free, he said Bill was now 60 and has 6 kids, so is a busy person like the rest of the cast are.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 5 months ago

Very interesting. And how would one in their 20s go about signing up for this “audition process”??

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 5 months ago

So you're saying that in this day an age, the idea of a character in a wheelchair it would be IMPOSSIBLE for them to be able to bust ghosts? Using the magic of film? Really. Not feasible at all?

Just… wow.

It's not just…wow.

It's realistic.

You mean to tell me that guys who stand on their legs are having a hard time with the thrower, yet a guy in a wheel chair would be better suited? I'm trying to be realistic here, it's got nothing to do with insensitivity towards the handicapped. Most people would watch that in a movie and go…“What the hell did I just watch?”

It isn't feasible because I don't think Ghosts are going to wait for him to take the elevator to catch them. There are stairs in these movies you know….oh for example…Dana's building? Imagine ol' wheels trying to navigate up 20 flights. Doesn't sound feasible does it?

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

No bash to Dan at all, but the schedule excuse is just that: an excuse. But griping about it won't help. At least it is looking like filming will be in spring. I am NOT holding my breath, but I am hoping just ever so slightly it will happen.

by batman2

14 years, 5 months ago

No bash to Dan at all, but the schedule excuse is just that: an excuse. But griping about it won't help. At least it is looking like filming will be in spring. I am NOT holding my breath, but I am hoping just ever so slightly it will happen.

I do agree with you a little bit, if they are hoping to film in spring then at least Sony should of green lighted the project by now, so we all know it will happen. Also has the final version of the script even been agreed yet as it was still on it's 2nd draft last time I heard, being worked on by Dan & harold.

by theling

14 years, 5 months ago

…it's got nothing to do with insensitivity towards the handicapped.

It seems to have everything to do with it. Lots of people have jobs where they don't have to stand up to do it. Care for a list?

There are stairs in these movies you know….oh for example…Dana's building? Imagine ol' wheels trying to navigate up 20 flights. Doesn't sound feasible does it?

About as feasible as a fictional world of ghosts that only live in high rise buildings. Someone with a physical handicap might very likely be overlooked for very physical positions, yes. There's more to Ghostbusting than throwing traps and blasting ghosts. Using a PKE scanner. Someone referencing Tobin's spirit guide.

I don't actually think there will be a handicapped Ghostbuster in III, but I also don't think such a concept is inconceivable.

Anyway, on topic, I don't see what the studio benefits from having this project ready to go and not announcing it. It's all a little fishy. Maybe we are getting III but with a minor cameo by Bill… which is really probably asking a lot considering what Dan says in the interview above.