Dan Ackroyd talks GB3 on TV Show

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

I do agree with you a little bit, if they are hoping to film in spring then at least Sony should of green lighted the project by now, so we all know it will happen. Also has the final version of the script even been agreed yet as it was still on it's 2nd draft last time I heard, being worked on by Dan & harold.

True though a greenlight doesn't mean the public has to know. Studios can hide things. Here's to hoping!

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

Dan Aykroyd just annouced that the script for Ghostbusters 3 is Awesome! He says that it's a Good Script so Good means Awesome because Dan was Smiling about the GB3 SCript when the question was asked and the other People clapped! It's Finally Gonna Happen Ghostbusters 3!!! Have Faith because GB3 is Happening!!!

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

I think I've finally pegged it, you're a religious zealot… Ghostbusters 3 is your religion.

by jojofio

14 years, 5 months ago

I think I've finally pegged it, you're a religious zealot… Ghostbusters 3 is your religion.

I still think my idea of him being Bill Murray is Plausable

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

Kingpin and JoJoFio the both of you are Idiots and your not Ghostbusters Fans! Your Phonies and you know it! You don't belive Dan Aykroyds 2 video's about GB3 and you don't belive me! No Wonder why you and JoJoFio match because the both of you Idiots was Conceived in OuterSpace then you came to Earth in the UK to Start Trouble online and in the UK! I wouldn't be surprised if the both of you got your Butts kicked because your Always starting Trouble online and in person! GB3 is Coming! It's been Confirmed twice from Dan's Video's from his Vodka Touring and Sony/Columbia will make a GB3 because they want to and the Real GB Fans wants a GB3 as well! The Both of you are Fools Plain English!!! At least I don't cause Trouble because My parents taught me right! I feel Sorry for your Parents because you 2 were raised by Wolves!

Dan Aykroyd has already confirmed to fans that GB3 will start Filming next Spring because Dan said that he's taking a Break from his Vodka Touring pretty quick to strat Filming Ghostbusters 3! See I'm telling the truth and Dan is Too! Get your Brains Checked!!!

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165692
Kingpin and JoJoFio the both of you are Idiots and your not Ghostbusters Fans! Your Phonies and you know it! You don't belive Dan Aykroyds 2 video's about GB3 and you don't belive me! No Wonder why you and JoJoFio match because the both of you Idiots was Conceived in OuterSpace then you came to Earth in the UK to Start Trouble online and in the UK! I wouldn't be surprised if the both of you got your Butts kicked because your Always starting Trouble online and in person! GB3 is Coming! It's been Confirmed twice from Dan's Video's from his Vodka Touring and Sony/Columbia will make a GB3 because they want to and the Real GB Fans wants a GB3 as well! The Both of you are Fools Plain English!!! At least I don't cause Trouble because My parents taught me right! I feel Sorry for your Parents because you 2 were raised by Wolves!

So he feels bad for your astronaut parents, who conceived you in space, and then returned you to earth to be raised by wolves so that they could continue research for intelligent life on the moon. Unfortunately, all they found was Patrick.

by jojofio

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165692
Kingpin and JoJoFio the both of you are Idiots and your not Ghostbusters Fans! Your Phonies and you know it! You don't belive Dan Aykroyds 2 video's about GB3 and you don't belive me! No Wonder why you and JoJoFio match because the both of you Idiots was Conceived in OuterSpace then you came to Earth in the UK to Start Trouble online and in the UK! I wouldn't be surprised if the both of you got your Butts kicked because your Always starting Trouble online and in person! GB3 is Coming! It's been Confirmed twice from Dan's Video's from his Vodka Touring and Sony/Columbia will make a GB3 because they want to and the Real GB Fans wants a GB3 as well! The Both of you are Fools Plain English!!! At least I don't cause Trouble because My parents taught me right! I feel Sorry for your Parents because you 2 were raised by Wolves!

Im so freggin tired of you and your nonsense. You ruin things for the entire community because of your rants of stupidity. Once you post something Cast, Jay, Kingpin or another moderator have to lock the thread so there wont be any problems. You not only make it so we cannot have friendly conversations and discussions but your backlash and rageful remarks makes it so we cant even make fun of each other in a friendly manner. I along with many others have been coming here and to other websites for years and Im sure many are in agreement with me when I say “ you suck”. You suck because you take the fun out this for us. You suck because you cannot express your feelings like an adult. You suck because you cannot take constructive criticism. Most importantly you suck because you cannot comprehend the meaning of the word “Confirmed”

Im going to break this down for you as best I can.

1. In regards to you as an individual You annoy us


My instinct right now is to verbally destroy you and pick apart everything you write on here, but I'll show you some mercy…..I'll agree to not make fun of you until you cry so long as you can provide the GB community with a copy of the CGI GB3 that, according to you was “confirmed” and that the footage was going to be shown at comicon in 2009.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

Im so freggin tired of you and your nonsense. You ruin things for the entire community because of your rants of stupidity. Once you post something Cast, Jay, Kingpin or another moderator have to lock the thread so there wont be any problems. You not only make it so we cannot have friendly conversations and discussions but your backlash and rageful remarks makes it so we cant even make fun of each other in a friendly manner. I along with many others have been coming here and to other websites for years and Im sure many are in agreement with me when I say “ you suck”. You suck because you take the fun out this for us. You suck because you cannot express your feelings like an adult. You suck because you cannot take constructive criticism. Most importantly you suck because you cannot comprehend the meaning of the word “Confirmed”

Im going to break this down for you as best I can.

1. In regards to you as an individual You annoy us


My instinct right now is to verbally destroy you and pick apart everything you write on here, but I'll show you some mercy…..I'll agree to not make fun of you until you cry so long as you can provide the GB community with a copy of the CGI GB3 that, according to you was “confirmed” and that the footage was going to be shown at comicon in 2009.

While I don't disagree with anything you've written, allow me to enlighten you.

GhostbustersRocks is a common troll, known as Patrick. He will continue to post his drivel, and act as though he is in the know and that everyone is attacking him for disagreeing with him. There is no reasoning with him. He is a rash. He will be taken care of and will be banned from the community once again, I can promise you that. I know that the mods won't stand for this, but only Chad can ban people. Mods don't have that capability.

by jojofio

14 years, 5 months ago

Doctor Venkman;165699
While I don't disagree with anything you've written, allow me to enlighten you.

GhostbustersRocks is a common troll, known as Patrick. He will continue to post his drivel, and act as though he is in the know and that everyone is attacking him for disagreeing with him. There is no reasoning with him. He is a rash. He will be taken care of and will be banned from the community once again, I can promise you that. I know that the mods won't stand for this, but only Chad can ban people. Mods don't have that capability.

I know who patrick is Ive been around along time I just havnt joined until recently. I have no real excuse as to why it took so long but it is what it is. He was already banned once and I know chad has been messaged by others regarding him. Thank you though for trying to keep me posted as to whats going on I appreciate that and Im sure others who are new do too.

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165692
At least I don't cause Trouble because My parents taught me right!

Sorry, but you're wrong. You insult anyone who disagrees with you and you troll any forum you can.

You're a troublemaker.