Dan Ackroyd talks GB3 on TV Show

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

Except Vigo the Butch all of you Retards Will Pay the Price when Ghostbusters 3 comes because it's Coming and your Idiots for calling me a Liar!

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165742
Zeddmore I'll burn you at a Stake! Phonie Zeddmore! :@

lmfao,yes,its true….this man has no dick (*_*)

Ghostbusters Rocks;165742
Except Vigo the Butch all of you Retards Will Pay the Price when Ghostbusters 3 comes because it's Coming and your Idiots for calling me a Liar!

Like i have said to you before……Weres the evidance saying that any member on here actually said you were a liar?…..no-one actually disagreed bout gb3 getting made….all people were saying is that gb3 do's NOT have the green light to start production YET…..YES we ALL heard dan talking gb3 getting made with years over 10yrs infact BUT still no sign…..Yes they are writing a script for the movie……you can't take everything you hear as the truth seen as theres so much going on bout this movie……YOU do not have a direct line with dan himself so stop letting on that your the only one that knows the truth about wat is happening with gb3 and everyone else is just stupied……all your doing is picking stories from genuine members when they meet dan on the crystal vodka tour from other sites and den letting on that those members are FRIENDS of yours when all your doing is taking pieces from there stories and putting 2+2 together and getting 300 which makes you out to be a sad,sad little man and DEN you turn around and lash out at us for replying to your very immature post…..will some one give this kid back his rattler (*flame)

i apologies to all members for the rant on this but sometimes things need to be said

by chriz

14 years, 5 months ago

4 new ghostbusters one female. Could be grasping at straws but could it be Extreme Ghostbusters team?

Yeah…a guy in a wheelchair was feasible in the cartoon…but not live action.

Actually I'd think it'd be very feasible. Now days everything is wheelchair accessible. There are disabled people who hunt. How is that not feasible? I'd think it'd work well to see Extreme guys in live action.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165738
:-)I'm a Phonie? NOPE!!! My God all of you are Stupid and retarded! Dan Aykroyd has already confirmed about GB3 starting Filming Next Spring 2011 and your calling Dan a Liar and me Why? All of you Guys are Morans and retarded! I Don't make up Crap because I know how to read and I got Great Hearing! Get your ears checked because there pluged up and you can't hear. If your blind then get your eyes checked because your making me Laugh because your Stupid and retarded Ben King! Your the King of Retards Including your Retard Friends! Even Slimer is Laughing at you Retards and the cast of Ghostbusters 3!

You seem to not see the fallacy in your argument. Dan Aykroyd may have confirmed that GB3 is filming. Sure, ok…fine; but he doesn't control those who currently own the rights to the franchise who will be putting the film out. Studio's change leads and directions about as many times as people change pants. Case in point: How many times has Dan confirmed GB3 and nothing coming from it?

That being said, I mean no ill will to you…I really don't. I wish I still had your optimism. But until we get a definite word from the Sony that GB3 is being made (and even then sometimes it can go bust) I wouldn't hold my breath.