Except Vigo the Butch all of you Retards Will Pay the Price when Ghostbusters 3 comes because it's Coming and your Idiots for calling me a Liar!
14 years, 5 months ago
14 years, 5 months ago
Ghostbusters Rocks;165742
Zeddmore I'll burn you at a Stake! Phonie Zeddmore! :@
Ghostbusters Rocks;165742
Except Vigo the Butch all of you Retards Will Pay the Price when Ghostbusters 3 comes because it's Coming and your Idiots for calling me a Liar!
14 years, 5 months ago
4 new ghostbusters one female. Could be grasping at straws but could it be Extreme Ghostbusters team?
Yeah…a guy in a wheelchair was feasible in the cartoon…but not live action.
14 years, 5 months ago
Ghostbusters Rocks;165738
:-)I'm a Phonie? NOPE!!! My God all of you are Stupid and retarded! Dan Aykroyd has already confirmed about GB3 starting Filming Next Spring 2011 and your calling Dan a Liar and me Why? All of you Guys are Morans and retarded! I Don't make up Crap because I know how to read and I got Great Hearing! Get your ears checked because there pluged up and you can't hear. If your blind then get your eyes checked because your making me Laugh because your Stupid and retarded Ben King! Your the King of Retards Including your Retard Friends! Even Slimer is Laughing at you Retards and the cast of Ghostbusters 3!