Dan Akyroyd in Evolution

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 11 months ago

I had no idea he was in Evolution, I bought the movie like a month ago and I didn't watch it till this past sunday. I was pretty surpriased to see him in there. It would of been cooler if he was like a Alien specialist, or something along those lines.


by bizdog

22 years, 10 months ago

Too bad the movie was terrible.

by DrakeSavage

22 years, 10 months ago

I liked evolution it was a pretty good movie.

by bizdog

22 years, 10 months ago

Humor wise, it was good. It was nice to see something other than goofball “American Pie” comedy, or slapstick “Scary Movie” comedy in a movie. The dead-pan between Duchovny and Jones was very refreshing and very funny. And the initial premise had lots of potential - how the heck are they going to deal with this alien invasion?

Beyond that, however, the movie fell apart, and it failed in all the ways that make ghostbusters good (its hard to not compare the two, as they follow very similar structures). For one thing, the movie doesn't take itself seriously. For the first half of the film, you have everyone treating the situation in the same light that New Yorkers treat the Gozer situation - which genuine fear, despite the comedic aspects of the film. Then, half way through Evolution, the movie started taking itself as a joke. I recall the scene where they used the periodics table to go “down three and over two” or some such crap to find out how to destroy the aliens. The movie descended into stupidity and self-parody from there, ruining it.

In addition, some other points. The movie essentially goes between two or three major locations, providing a very boring movie. There are a lot of scenes that don't belong - one between Duchovny and his ex-wife, which had no connection to the rest of the film (perhaps there had been more in the film once, such as the Janine/Egon romance that once existed in Ghostbusters). Similarly, there is a scene in which they're driving down the high way inexplicably singing Play That Funky Music. No reason given (tho i believe, from previews, that there was supposed to be a scene where they're attacked by aliens from the sky, but i think it got cut out). You can argue that these scenes are funny and that's the sole reason they should be in the film, but come on. Reitman has style, and VERY good comedic timing. By the former logic, he would have left the Fort Detmerring scene and the honeymoon scene in Ghostbusters, because they were also funny. Evolution felt like he failed in a lot of its timing.

And if you want to go by either critics (38 good reviews vs. 54 bad) or the box office returns, which were terrible, both agree with where i stand.

dont get me wrong, i was hoping it would be good. it is the first film that Reitman has put “From the Maker of Ghostbusters” as an endorsement - and i know that if it was successful, he might have pushed for ghostbusters 3. Again, i personally loved the comedic aspect (tho the two hillbilly guys and Sean William Scott could have been killed by aliens, for all i cared). But overall, it was a pretty bad movie, and I dont think we'll be seeing a GB3, or any other large budget movie from Reitman anytime soon because of it.

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 10 months ago

Yes I agree, Alot of things made no sense at all.Especially the thing with his ex-wife/girlfriend.The thing with “Play that funky music whiteboy” I think they were just excited, because wasn't that scene after they just killed that bird thing?? I don't think it was bad enough to give Reitman a bad rep. I don't even think it will hurt the chances of GB3. GB3 will happen when Murray agree's. I think the way they killed the aliens was really stupid. I've heard theres already talk of part 2 and with the cartoon, Its very possible of Evolution 2 and Hopefully, GB3.


by drugasbuster

22 years, 10 months ago

i liked the movie the first time i saw it, the second time it didnt make me laugh much…but i think it was ok…

by daneghostbuster

22 years, 10 months ago

Evolution wasnt terrible. Seems like Ghostbusters 2 though. It was good but couldve been alot better.

by daneghostbuster

22 years, 10 months ago

Evolution wasnt terrible. Seems like Ghostbusters 2 though. It was good but couldve been alot better.

by peterV

22 years, 10 months ago

I liked the film' i think that it gives GB3 a better chance to coming out

by Tiamat

22 years, 9 months ago

Evolution was definately not terrible in my opinion. I've seen it close to ten times and would see it more if my younger sister wouldn't hog the PS2 playing Drakan so I could play the DVD.

The scene with Ira and his ex-wife I agree that it was a little out of place, a cut scene added in the DVD gives it a little substance but not much. Harry and Wayne's reaction to the ex-wife taking off her shirt was quite humorous though ^_^

The bird chase. Honestly, I would call it a dragon but that's my opinion. That whole chase scene is my favorite in the whole movie, the music (including the “Play That Funky Music” part), the CGI, the dialouge with Ira, Harry, and Wayne, and Harry's facial expressions when Wayne starts singing.

The way they killed the aliens was stupid? It was an original random act of randomness. It wasn't meant to be serious!

Overall I loved the movie. It's my favorite at the moment but that fluctuates every 6 months or so. It did get panned but it's enjoyable. Sean Williams Scott is cute in a clueless sort of way, Orlando Jones has funny facial expressions, David Duchovny is David Duchovny smile, and the CGI was great (especially with the dragon chase. it got a little off par with the giant amoeba…). But I do say this: stay away from the Evolution cartoon like a plague. It's terrible. It's a disgrace to American cartoons. I'm crossing my fingers for a sequel that will hit the cartoonists in the head to actually make them put some effort into what they show on Saturdays.
