Dan Aykroyd Also Has His Doubts On Ghostbusters 3

by deadderek

15 years, 4 months ago

Article is as follows:

“I can understand the recession slowing down indie projects, or maybe the kinds of movies that require a gigantic budget. But Ghostbusters 3? A movie so highly anticipated it's taken 20 years to even start getting it made?

According to Dan Aykroyd, though, the recession is precisely what's getting in the way of getting this movie finally off the ground. At a book signing for his father's new book A History of Ghosts, Aykroyd was asked by Hounds TV about the movie's status, and stressed that there's no greenlight for the film yet, despite a finished script. ”Until we have a greenlight, we can't stick the pump into the mega corporation and draw the honey.“ Meaning that no studio has ponied up the money yet, and those blaster guns aren't paying for themselves.

You may remember that Bill Murray was expressing some reservations about doing the film at all not so recently, though he was also claiming that no script is finished. So with these two sourpusses around, does Ghostbusters 3 have a chance? Someone needs to call in Harold Ramis to talk these guys down.”

Source and article reposted from :

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 4 months ago

Well s***! I hope this gets going or maybe indy films will have to continue GB afterall…..

by Yourbigpalal83

15 years, 4 months ago

Ok…heres what my guess is to what is going on. Everyone is onboard, open to the idea. Murry is holding out for a script. The studio…is not going to greenlight the picture without murry. He's the main star of the films. So, now its all down to murry getting the script, reading it and going ok, or no!

They have a script. The game sold very well, so the studio knows theres a big demand. Everyone was onboard for the game! So odds are they will all be back!

Dan is saying in the interview, he as of THIS EVENING does not have a green light! That is in no way, shape or form a no! also remember, projects take forever in pre production. There are schedualing conflicts, negotations, holdouts, etc..

So dont everyone jump the gun just yet. There is a new script. Someone had to get paid to write that script. its not like the guys from the office did it for free. So somewhere, someone got a nice check for a new ghostbusters story! And im sure the studio paid for that!

Now, its in the process of bringing it from the page to the stage!

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

So with these two sourpusses around, does Ghostbusters 3 have a chance?

Dan, out of the lot of them knows just how often this project has gone on the road to ruin, I think his reservations are well justified considering just how many times this movie has supposedly been going into development, only to then amount to nothing.

by mrpecker2

15 years, 4 months ago

Of course Dan has his doubts. It's in that exact same place it's been for the last 15+ years….

by Verdic

15 years, 4 months ago

First of all, this movie isn't just hinging on Murray. They're hearing his ideas, and even presented a few of them in Ghostbusters TVG. Murray is on board - as on board as he's ever going to be. Let's not make this about him… again. You're kidding yourself if you think this is all about Murray and how he's such an evil evil movie star.

Dan has been the absolute LARGEST supporter of this project over the last fifteen years. He was also the biggest supporter of the video game. I'm sorry, but that game came out a bloody masterpiece. I don't care what nags you have, if you bought it, played it, finished it and don't hate it then you liked it.

/end rant

Everyone wants a film, but let's get serious here. With a plot that's heading in the direction that this one's in, they aren't going to rock the boat on the equipment, car, or basic attitudes of the four main characters. Sure it's a passing of the torch, but i'm certain that Sony and the gang isn't dumb enough to rock the canoe anymore than they already are. Be patient, be open minded… BE THE SEQUEL.

by Dr.D

15 years, 4 months ago

That is one of the smartest things I have heard in a long time.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 4 months ago

The recession has really hit many hard, and one can't help but notice that entertainment based items are really getting the worst of it now. This has nothing to do with how good Ghostbusters III would be, its about will anyone be able to watch the movie, buy the dvd/blu-ray and the promotional items needed to sell to reinforce the movie and its large budget? Thats what the issue is. $$$

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 4 months ago

derek, I like how you post one thread about how Aykroyd has his doubts and how it isn't going to be made… Then you post one from Ernie Hudson about how it's going to be made and they are filming this fall…

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

There is the space of around a month between the two things he posted.

Not like he posted one the day after the other.