Dan Aykroyd says 'Ghostbusters 3' may start filming in winter

by Andreas

15 years, 9 months ago

Had to google “Eliza Dushku” … yeah she would be nice :-)


by rodie1

15 years, 9 months ago

If that annoying, unfunny, ‘look at me i’m jewish' bitch Sarah Silverman gets anywere near this movie I'm going to protest outside sony columbia.

Ugh don't even joke. She's one of the few people that could get me to consider not seeing the film at all, if she were in it. Her and Carlos Mencia.

by superstarseven

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;143713
I just hope they don't do a Extreme Ghostbusters kind of thing with punk emo kids that most don't care about the business itself.

“Punk emo kids”?

There was a Goth chick…that's about it.

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

And Eduardo was a lame punk.

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

“Punk emo kids”?

An old draft of Ghostbusters 3 had a group of pretty bad stereotypes, one of whom was a pierced punk.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 9 months ago

An old draft of Ghostbusters 3 had a group of pretty bad stereotypes, one of whom was a pierced punk.

I knew a little about the GB3 drafts, but I'm GLAD I didn't know the new GBs were that bad. From what I read, they were pretty bland and had almost no personalities of their own.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

An old draft of Ghostbusters 3 had a group of pretty bad stereotypes, one of whom was a pierced punk.

Was it as bad was the Mechs being designed based on Racial Stereotypes in the G Gundam Series?

by slimer3881

15 years, 9 months ago

Lol, good old Danny still giving us hope. as time goes by the schedule will keep changing. first it was ‘fall’, then ‘winter’, next it'll be ‘spring’, then ‘summer’. then “next fall!”.

sorry, Dan's always the most hopeful and enthusiastic when it comes to this, so im not getting excited yet, i wont be untill we hear somethign from Bill, Harold, or Ivan, or when they actually find a director.

But those casting choices are horrendous, i mean Alyssa would be okay if she was just a supporting character like in the game, but not an actual GB, perhaps he was just throwing out names as an idea.

But i'd also like to say, the more details i get, my hope doesnt go towards it being made, instead my hope goes toward it being GOOD.

The idea of a new GB film finally being made is excitement beyond all excitement, but the plot points and ideas im hearing that will be in the film, well…im very frightened, but i'll keep my best of judgements untill the trailer is released.

by matthew1

15 years, 9 months ago

I hear you slimer388. I've always wanted a third movie but only if done a certain way.

1 Must star the originals. No new team. No new recruits.

2 The story should not copy the first or second film. It should tell something entirely new.

3 No. Oscar and no Dana.

4 The film should use Elmer Bernsteins score.

5 Makers should not fill the movie with sfx. sfx must be kept to a minimum and handled prudently. Also, bring back the animatronic, puppet/ blue screen method of doing it. It'll give the movie a standout look and a nostalgic feel.

6 The film MUST be GENUINLY SCARY and FUNNY. Many of the laughs come from the scares and if the scares arn't scary then the situations arn't that funny.

by maskedshuuyu

15 years, 9 months ago

From Alyssa Milano's twitter:

“I'm aware of the interview Aykroyd gave about GB3. I'm so flattered. Other than my VO in the game, nothing has been discussed.”