Dan Aykroyd says 'Ghostbusters 3' may start filming in winter

by slimer3881

15 years, 9 months ago

I hear you slimer388. I've always wanted a third movie but only if done a certain way.

1 Must star the originals. No new team. No new recruits.

2 The story should not copy the first or second film. It should tell something entirely new.

3 No. Oscar and no Dana.

4 The film should use Elmer Bernsteins score.

5 Makers should not fill the movie with sfx. sfx must be kept to a minimum and handled prudently. Also, bring back the animatronic, puppet/ blue screen method of doing it. It'll give the movie a standout look and a nostalgic feel.

6 The film MUST be GENUINLY SCARY and FUNNY. Many of the laughs come from the scares and if the scares arn't scary then the situations arn't that funny.

All the new updates get more and more worried each time. God, i hope i havent wasted 15+ years of my life waiting for this film.

I mean my expectations for Ledger were very mean spirited, but when the first DK trailer came around, my jaw was on the floor.

So all we have to do is wait, hope, and then maybe the trailer will spark better faith.

Still though, its kinda like getting a crappy gift, your excited that you got a present and are happy with the thought, but as you open it, your like…'umm…okay? what the hell is this?'

But its simple, The ghostbusters, are the GHOSTBUSTERS, people wouldnt want, the Ninja Turtles hiring new recruits. Its undestandable for the story points and yes its a business, and they need younger crew to further the franchise, BUT, it still wont sit right, since ive grown up knowing that Peter,Ray,Egon and Winston ARE the REAL Ghostbusters. it be like having your favorite band, completely all replaced with new members.

either way, i'll be still happy with being the proper age to actually ‘experience’ a GB film, from ad-campaigns and promos, to seeing tv spots, all way to actually seeing the film in the theater opening night.

by demonaz

15 years, 9 months ago

One thing I definitely agree with is the sfx. The ghosts must be puppet/blue screen, whatever they did and not CGI Hollywood fluff that is out nowadays.

Is it just me, or do the enhanced puppet ghosts looks much more grittier (in a VERY GOOD way) than anything out today?

by Chad

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm getting excited, but the pragmatist in me says one thing at a time. I'm really looking forward to the video game (as most of us here are) and I look forward to seeing how Ghostbusters III begins to unfold over the summer / fall as things start picking up for a crazy Halloween that will knock our socks off.

Whooooaaa, somebody's coming! Like I said, I'm excited. :-)

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm in the same stance I've been for the past six or so years: I'll get excited when an official teaser trailer appears on Apple Trailers.

Until that happens, it's just another rumor.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm in the same stance I've been for the past six or so years: I'll get excited when an official teaser trailer appears on Apple Trailers.

Until that happens, it's just another rumor.

Actions speak louder than words.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;143945
Actions speak louder than words.

And a picture (in this case movie) is worth more than a thousand words

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 9 months ago

Hm… a team of 5 with a couple female members…


The next generation of Ghostbusters is Mystery Inc.!


by fusi0n1

15 years, 9 months ago

My wife rang me at work to say about the announcement she read on Perez.

I was actually really excited. If it's on Perez it has credible sources surely, and I don't remember hearing of the previous GB3 news being on it?

Anyway, I'm sure most of us are at the point of assuming it's another mixed up bit of news from a previous rumour reporting the previous rumour.

I'll wait until I see some concrete evidence!

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

I want to see something like this happen, the beginning happens with the guys in their suits bust one last ghost and they all finally agree “It's time to pass the torch.”

Then you have the new recruits come in.

Sort of like how the episodes “Back in the Saddle” play but a little bit different.

Slimer needs to be in the movie somewhere. He is as much apart of the franchise as anyone one else.

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 9 months ago

One thing I definitely agree with is the sfx. The ghosts must be puppet/blue screen, whatever they did and not CGI Hollywood fluff that is out nowadays.

Is it just me, or do the enhanced puppet ghosts looks much more grittier (in a VERY GOOD way) than anything out today?

Of course they do. Just look at Yoda in the new SW movies. He looks like shit compared to his puppet incarnation. Well, then again, everything sucked about the SW prequels.