Dan Aykroyd Writing Ghostbusters 3 Again

by batman2

14 years, 5 months ago

Looks like those two writers from the Office are now off the script and Dan & Harold are now in charge. Looks like Bill's not so kind comments about those Office guys script has hit home and they are now off the project. Bill was kind of saying that the film they did “Year one” was not very good judging by the poor box office it recieved.

Anyway check out all these links found on GBFans site.

Aykroyd to Rewrite Ghostbusters 3

Aykroyd rewriting Ghostbusters III script

Ghostbusters 3 update: Dan Aykroyd now on script duties?

Further Updates On Ghostbusters 3

Ghostbusters 3 Script Being Rewritten By Dan Aykryod And Harold Ramis

Dan Aykroyd is Writing “Ghostbusters 3,” Hints at Story

Ray Stantz Updates Ghostbusters 3

Dan Aykroyd Writing Ghostbusters 3 Again

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

Looks like those two writers from the Office are now off the script and Dan & Harold are now in charge. Looks like Bill's not so kind comments about those Office guys script has hit home and they are now off the project. Bill was kind of saying that the film they did “Year one” was not very good judging by the poor box office it recieved.

Anyway check out all these links found on GBFans site.

Aykroyd to Rewrite Ghostbusters 3

Aykroyd rewriting Ghostbusters III script

Ghostbusters 3 update: Dan Aykroyd now on script duties?

Further Updates On Ghostbusters 3

Ghostbusters 3 Script Being Rewritten By Dan Aykryod And Harold Ramis

Dan Aykroyd is Writing “Ghostbusters 3,” Hints at Story

Ray Stantz Updates Ghostbusters 3

Dan Aykroyd Writing Ghostbusters 3 Again

Its been my understanding that this was the plan all along.

The Office writers wrote the main story, and then Dan and Harold would go back and tweek things. That's exactly what they're doing.

by batman2

14 years, 5 months ago

I thought the original plan was for the Office boys to do the script and then Dan & Harold would go over it just adding in all the technical wording for the equipment and folklore. It sounds now that alot more of the script is going to be rewitten and the original writers will now have nothing else to do with it.
Sounds like the main concept will remain (the new recruits), not sure how much else will change.

by Kojak

14 years, 5 months ago

Sounds great. Seems like there is coming new updates on this project everyday now.

by Dr.D

14 years, 5 months ago

Sounds to me like they are doing what should have been done in the first place.

by RoyStontz

14 years, 5 months ago

Both Ramis and Aykroyd stated from the beginning that they will give the final touch to the script. In a couple of interview, a week or so ago, Aykroyd mentioned Kali Yuga as the main paranormal event and he said the he's happy with the script that the Office guys handend in.
My opinion is that the duo made the “hard work” (find a story, make some drafts) and now Harold and Dan will give it the right tone and shape.

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

Dan Aykroyd has already Confirmed that when the GB3 Script was Finished that Him and Harold are taking it back and re-write the GB3 Script from Lee and Gene! There's new GB3 Article's from Dan and he said that GB3 will Happen! I Can't wait because the GB Fans has waited for a long time and it's about time that Ghostbusters 3 will be here on Christmas Day 2012!!! Dan said that Bill Murray will be in Ghostbusters 3 because Gene and Lee wrote Bill a Role of a Lifetime and that's why Bill's in GB3!!!

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

On Ray Stantz Updates Ghostbusters 3 Page Dan Aykroyd Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 has the Green Light. He Confirmed that on his RV selling his Vodka! I Told You Kingpin (Ben) that I wasn't a Liar about GB3! I Told you that the movie is Happening! People need to Ignore you because your a Liar! Told YA!!!

by RoyStontz

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166004
On Ray Stantz Updates Ghostbusters 3 Page Dan Aykroyd Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 has the Green Light. He Confirmed that on his RV selling his Vodka! I Told You Kingpin (Ben) that I wasn't a Liar about GB3! I Told you that the movie is Happening! People need to Ignore you because your a Liar! Told YA!!!

i'm sorry but the article doesn't mention the greenlight.


it says that Aykroyd and Ramis will work on the Gb3 script. This isn't GREENLIGHT.

Oh, and i'm waiting for the CGI GB3 trailer since 2008. When people told you that it was the game you called them liars and you said that it wasn't the game but GB3 the movie.
You are a liar

i like calling him this way

by theling

14 years, 5 months ago

Good news, Year One was a steaming heap.