Dan Aykroyd Writing Ghostbusters 3 Again

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 5 months ago

sounds to me dan and harold are just fine tuning the script not rewriting it

by slimelord1

14 years, 5 months ago

Good news Dan and Harold now have a hand in the writing.

by jpwhittlebred

14 years, 5 months ago


That link was posted on the protoncharging talkback. Not sure how reliable it is or if that still means that Ackroyd and Ramis are still “tweaking” the script or completely rewriting it. I for one am really, really looking forward to another installment with the guys but I'm afraid it might still fall through. I will rest easy when I hear its been greenlit.

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

On the Ray Stantz Updates Ghostbusters 3 page Dan Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 has the GreenLight to be made! It's right there Roy learn how to read! NoBody can't miss it! Dan confirmed that in his RV selling his Vodka! Dan Confirmed that him and Harold are taking the script back and re-writing it. What's the Problem Roy? If you can't read what Dan said that GB3 has the GreenLight then get your eyes checked! I can read Fine! The Movie has the GreenLight and Filming begans next Spring 2011 for a Christmas Day 2012 release! Stop calling me a Liar Roy because I'm not a Liar and I was Never a liar back in 2008. That's Old News! The Videogame was made in CGI and That's why GB3 remained as a Live-Action movie!

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166042
It's right there Roy learn how to read!

Why don't you try learn to use proper grammar and capitalization.

by theling

14 years, 5 months ago

That photo of Dan with the 4 bartenders is quite nice! :-)

by RoyStontz

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166042
On the Ray Stantz Updates Ghostbusters 3 page Dan Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 has the GreenLight to be made! Stop calling me a Liar Roy because I'm not a Liar and I was Never a liar back in 2008. That's Old News! The Videogame was made in CGI and That's why GB3 remained as a Live-Action movie!

You are a liar because in the article Dan doesn't say the words “Ghostbusters III” and “greenlight”. He HOPES to be in production by this spring….but the studio hasn't give a go to the movie yet. He HOPES that GB3 will be made, but he isn't sure. He HOPES that everybody will be onboard.
I haven't read an article were Sony/Columbia announced production's beginning.
Yes, I hope too to see a GB3 one day and they are working on it…..but the movie is not greenlighted as you say.
Are you able to understand what I wrote or you'll start again writing OFFENSIVE words (upon wich I'll call you to be banned FOREVER) ?

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166042
The Videogame was made in CGI and That's why GB3 remained as a Live-Action movie!

Well they could hardly make the video game live action now could they (*egon)

by RoyStontz

14 years, 5 months ago

anyway…Dan is not writing it. Stay tuned for juicy news soon

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;166042
On the Ray Stantz Updates Ghostbusters 3 page Dan Confirmed that Ghostbusters 3 has the GreenLight to be made! It's right there Roy learn how to read! NoBody can't miss it! Dan confirmed that in his RV selling his Vodka! Dan Confirmed that him and Harold are taking the script back and re-writing it. What's the Problem Roy? If you can't read what Dan said that GB3 has the GreenLight then get your eyes checked! I can read Fine! The Movie has the GreenLight and Filming begans next Spring 2011 for a Christmas Day 2012 release! Stop calling me a Liar Roy because I'm not a Liar and I was Never a liar back in 2008. That's Old News! The Videogame was made in CGI and That's why GB3 remained as a Live-Action movie!

Calm the hell down there junior. I've (a long with many many many others) said it once, and I'll say it again. “Official word” from Dan is just that…word from him…not the studio. Until we get word from the studio it will be nothing more than that.