Dan Aykroyd Writing Ghostbusters 3 Again

by gbfan11

14 years, 5 months ago

Can't we all just get along? Seems like a bunch of arguing and name calling around here anymore!!! I think we are all in agreement that we all want Ghostbusters 3 to happen. I am probably older than most of the people on this board (29), so I have been waiting a long time. I belive that we will see a third film, but like Mr. Axl Rose said “Just a little paitence.”

by batman2

14 years, 5 months ago

Can't we all just get along? Seems like a bunch of arguing and name calling around here anymore!!! I think we are all in agreement that we all want Ghostbusters 3 to happen. I am probably older than most of the people on this board (29), so I have been waiting a long time. I belive that we will see a third film, but like Mr. Axl Rose said “Just a little paitence.”

29, lol, you are still very young.

Ghostbusters the film is nearly older than you, and quite a few of us here saw this at the cinema when it first came out in 1984.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

Fritz has you beat.

And you are not older than most on this board by much dude.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

Here ya go Patrick: Exclusive Update: Dan Aykroyd *not* rewriting Ghostbusters 3

Here's some facts for you that you cannot seem to get ahold of:

  • Aykroyd is involved enough that the studio will listen to his input, but he’s NOT doing a rewrite of the script, which the director (Reitman) and studio (Columbia) are already happy with.
  • Stupnitskenberg are currently the only writers on the project and as of now the studio has no plans to replace them
  • Ramis, Reitman, and Aykroyd have all signed on, and the script is going out to Bill Murray now.
  • Without Murray, there’s no movie. (And he’s always seemed pretty wishy-washy on it, but that’s kind of his thing).
  • If he agrees, pre-production will start early next year for a late spring/early summer start date and a Thanksgiving or Christmas 2012 release.

by gbfan11

14 years, 5 months ago

I by no means thought I was the oldest on this board, besides my point was to stop all the arguing. And I also saw the movie in the theaters, and I remember watching the cartoon when it was new.

by theling

14 years, 5 months ago

Sounds like it's ultimately up to Bill Murray at this point. Hopefully he likes the script.

by GB3

14 years, 5 months ago

Yeah to me it sound like Dan and Harold are doing their usual tune up on it. They may get final screenwriting credits with the Office guys and the latter two no doubt story credit as well. Now what is Kali Yuga? Was this the villain/concept that was leaked a few months ago as the plot for GB3? If this is the same thing from that rumor, thats a pretty good story plot. What was it again, the God of evil or something? Very much a possible concept from the best stories of The Real Ghostbusters episodes. GB3 could be really good. Dan states that both GB groups are well represented. Maybe we shouldn't worry too much. If its better than GB2 and better or feels better than Indiana Jones 4 (not that it was that bad) we should be happy.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

Kali Yuga is the last stage the world goes through as described in various Indian spiritual texts and is usually associated with the demon Kali.

Essentially, Kali Yuga is essentially the Indian faiths version of the Apocalypse.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 5 months ago

Here ya go Patrick

Patrick in the chair, James goes for the kick, SCORE!

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

Where did you get the marvelous Gif LOL.