Dan Aykroyds GB3 Script

by texasgb1

21 years, 3 months ago

Hey Gang,

This has been something I have wanted to get my hands on for years. Apparently its not impossible. IGN got a copy to do the review. There have also been members who claim they have a copy of the real script throught their sources. Heck someone as credible as Castewar has managed to get it as he did a review on his site. Anyway with all of this evidence do you all think its possible for the community to one day be able to have access to it? It certainly is out there. What I am trying to say is if we ever want a look at it we need to pull together and search all possible places. I have worked for years to find it and just wanted to relate my experience. It sure would be interesting to see what Aykroyd had in mind!!


by Kingpin

21 years, 3 months ago

I still must wonder…if Dan truely wrote that script…the ideas seemed…a little bland, and even some unrealistic.

I mean, hell, I know the original concept of the movie, but I must wonder, if Dan loved it so much…how could he create such 2D characters for the new script?

And that ‘enlarged head’ kid…I don't get it, or see how that works in the GB universe, to be honest, I'm glad GB3 wasn't made, if they used that script, I probably wouldn't of wanted to see it.

I know that scripts go through several versions before the final version, but Dan put so much work and effort into the whol franchise (Designing the props, the uniforms and working out the technobabble) that when you put the IGN GB3 script up against his previous GB work (Even GB2!) it really pales in comparison, and doesn't seem like the work of the same man.

Oh well, that's just my opinion, anyway.

by texasgb1

21 years, 3 months ago

Good point, but given all we had to go by was the one reviewers opinion I still feel that it was probably a good script due to the fact Aykroyd overall does good work. Secondly the script was only the first draft which was far from the final package at that point. I do think if we were able to see the whole script we could then better make an accurate judgement.


by Kingpin

21 years, 3 months ago

True, quite true Texasgb.

by sinister1

21 years, 3 months ago

Can Castewar provide us with one?

by d_osborn

21 years, 3 months ago

as a “hardcore” GB script collector, i can totally relate. i feel the community as a whole should be able to read what aykroyd had in mind, at least at first, for the GBs. however, there is BIG TIME legalities involved in getting that script published online. aykroyd cannot just hand out copies of it.

sinister- MANY ghostheads have tried to get a copy of the script from castewar. he claims it is printed on the “xerox proof” red paper. i doubt he would ever post in on his site also, as that wouldn't be a very smart move…. of course, what i want to get my hands on is the second draft written by aykroyd and ramis, or the treatment, also written by aykroyd and ramis.

i think that stax was maybe a *LITTLE* too harsh on the first draft.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 2 months ago

I still must wonder…if Dan truely wrote that script…the ideas seemed…a little bland, and even some unrealistic.

…how could he create such 2D characters for the new script?

And that ‘enlarged head’ kid…I don't get it, or see how that works in the GB universe, to be honest, I'm glad GB3 wasn't made, if they used that script, I probably wouldn't of wanted to see it.

I totally agree. That's why I'd much rather see the revised version with Harold Ramis. They did sit down to revise it, didn't they?

by d_osborn

21 years, 2 months ago

yes, ramis did at least one draft on the HELLBENT script, as well as the original treatment.

I still must wonder…if Dan truely wrote that script…the ideas seemed…a little bland, and even some unrealistic.

…how could he create such 2D characters for the new script?

And that ‘enlarged head’ kid…I don't get it, or see how that works in the GB universe, to be honest, I'm glad GB3 wasn't made, if they used that script, I probably wouldn't of wanted to see it.
how could he create such 2d characters? the same way he wrote 2d characters in all his solo written GB scripts….

i really think stax “exaggerated” some elements of the script, such as the kid with the “prominent cranium”…

by MasterSpider

21 years, 2 months ago

Heck someone as credible as Castewar has managed to get it as he did a review on his site.

Castewar did a review? Where is it?

by d_osborn

21 years, 2 months ago