Dan, Sony, and GB3.....

by texasgb1

20 years, 3 months ago

Aykroyd left the sony lot around 1999 when they refused to make GB3. This was reported on Access Hollywood. He ended a long term business relationship with the studio and basically said he would never do another sony project. However, after some time this is not the case. He did Fifty First Dates. He is also in Christimas With the Kranks. Both are big budget moves in which he plays supporting roles. With Dan again doing sony projects perhpas the relationship is mended. Do you all think this may open the door to further GB3 talks?

by gbmasterman

20 years, 3 months ago

Dan might have patched things up with Sony, but until Bill will say “let's do GB3” it WILL NOT HAPPEN

by d_osborn

20 years, 3 months ago

the new “report” claims negotiations are still going on. even though aykroyd had a big falling out in 99, i'd be willing to bet if sony said they were ready, aykroyd would have came back at ANY time…

by river_of_slime

20 years, 3 months ago

The thing is Tex Dan left Sony as in office wise, he still can make movies under the sony name. From the latest reports on GB3 as Derek said it looks like his already talk to Columbia and he has said Columbia wants to do it.

by texasgb1

20 years, 3 months ago

I know he left his office (well he actually calls it his studio in the Access interview). However, at the same time he pretty much said he would never do another sony project and was ending his business relationship with the studio. My point was the fact that he is working on sony projects is good. He may have patched up the disagreement.

by d_osborn

20 years, 3 months ago

like i said earlier, no matter how pissed aykroyd was at the sony suits, if they said GB3 was a go, he would have been there.

by slimer3881

20 years, 2 months ago

maybe its a sign, that he's given up on it and just moved on. :-\