Dan talking up GB3 in Chicago

by Andreas

15 years, 11 months ago

… and when we do the Ghostbusters 3 movie, hopefully, Sigourney will be in, I know. We'll make that happen … but there'll be a whole new generation that has to be trained. And that whole new generation will be led by an individual that you'll all love when you hear who it is, but I'm not going to tell you now. There will be lots of cadets, boys and girls, who'll be learning how to use the cyclotron, the accelerators, and the new stuff. The nuon splitter, the inter-planary interceptor, all these great tools they're going to have to flip from dimension to dimension. Anyway. Game number two, maybe.
We will have a draft hopefully by summer. I hope Harold Ramis would direct the film and Bill Murray would act in the film.
[Alyssa Milano would] be terrific as one of our new cadets. Well, you're a writer—how definite is writing? I mean, we've got two very, very sharp writers from “The Office” working on it right now. They've taken up the task and come up with what I think is a nice outline for the third story. Harold agrees, Ivan agrees, and Billy's amenable to the way the story's going. will definitely be in the third movie—we sure need her there, for sure.

by deadderek

15 years, 11 months ago


This would be most enjoyable.

by Andreas

15 years, 11 months ago

More from the Dan Interview …

I’d want to see the third movie made. I think is the third movie and if everything is creative and right, and this game helps get the third movie made… We have a good concept there; the young writers from ‘The Office.’ I’ve worked with Harold on ‘Year One,’ which is coming out. The Book of Genesis adapted into a comedy? Who but Harold Ramis could pull that off! So these two writers — Eisenberg and Stupnitsky – they sound like a vaudeville team or a law firm — are brilliant young guys. And they come up with a good story.

But you know they were inspired by the game — I said, ‘Go see the game!’ And they watched the game and already in their story outline there are things from the game that are going to be in the movie. So it’s going very nicely. But you know, in show business, you can’t ever place your hopes that things are going to happen and so many dreams get perforated. I just had to kiss it goodbye for a long time but we got ‘Blues Brothers 2‘ made and that was a miracle. It was a success by that measure alone.

Well, I think movie is going to be written, but we don’t know until it’s written. It’s unsure. But this game is real. To me, it is the third movie because it’s the only thing that exists that depicts the characters again in a new adventure, in a new light. … I think that the third movie might be a sequel to this. I think now you have them acting hand in hand. It’s interactive, if you will. So the third movie, whether it’s a reality or not, I’m sure a concept for a game will come out of that, and then that game may feed the story for a fourth one.

by Yehome

15 years, 11 months ago

“The nuon splitter, the inter-planary interceptor, all these great tools they're going to have to flip from dimension to dimension.”

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

by thespud1

15 years, 11 months ago

“The nuon splitter, the inter-planary interceptor, all these great tools they're going to have to flip from dimension to dimension.”

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

It sounds kind of reminiscent of Dan's original idea for the first movie before Harold got involved and grounded it all in reality. Wasn't his idea him and Jon Belushi busting ghosts in other dimensions (or outer space)? Or am I crazy? It would probably make for a cool game. It also reminds me of his Hellbent idea, in that there would be two versions of New York. One normal and one in hell, or whatever the idea was.

by Andreas

15 years, 11 months ago

lots of cadets
… sounds a little bit like “Ghostbusters Academy”.

will be led by an individual that you'll all love

BTW: Can someone rename the thread in “GB3 news from Dan Aykroyd” or so? thx

by Leesh_Stantz

15 years, 11 months ago


That would be fab and its quite feasible too!!

Leisha xxx

by Yehome

15 years, 11 months ago

Oscar would only be around 20-22 years old… That's a bit young to be a GB isn't it?

by Kingpin

15 years, 11 months ago

Oscar would only be around 20-22 years old… That's a bit young to be a GB isn't it?

Not with the way the world is putting more emphasis on young, attractive people in the workplace. (*egon)

by Yehome

15 years, 11 months ago

Quite of an awful but right statement…