Dana's role

by StaypuftX

14 years, 5 months ago

I'm pretty sure they'll bring back Dana for Ghostbusters 3, hell Sigourney wants to come back, if any of those interviews are a clue.

I'd just like to see her in a different role this time. She's had to play (more or less) the “damsel in distress” TWICE now, and Peter's had to “win her back” once already. I'd like to think that if she were to appear in a (hopefully) third movie, that she and venkman would still be together, if not married. And hopefully she won't be the source or victim of the big bad problem like before. She CAN'T be THAT unlucky. :p

But then (as I'm sure many studio execs would probably wonder) how would she be able to still be an actual character in Ghostbusters 3 if not as the person to be saved/helped?? If regulated to Venkman's wife, at home or her day job, would put her in danger of being made solely a background character. She could be like Janine, and hang/help out at the firehouse.

or hell… make her a ghostbuster!!! Then they'll be able to keep an eye on her and any possible hellbeasts lookin' to cause her trouble!! XD

Any thoughts from you, my fellow geeks?

by Vinz-2206

14 years, 5 months ago

With all the other characters rumored to be in the story, I'd settle for seeing her just in a few scenes with Venkman, and few to help establish Oscar. Prior to the news that Oscar would be in it, I didn't think they should bring her back. But now, I think Sigourney could be helpful in elevating Oscar's character if she were there.

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 5 months ago

A Cameo is ok, but oh god please don't write a plot that is all about her again!

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 5 months ago

a supporting role for Dana would be just fine in my eyes, like Janine, she's there, she's integral to the story as a whole, but the plot doesn't revolve around her.

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

Dana as the main plot not, Oscar as the focus and Dana in the background yes.


14 years, 5 months ago

I don't think that Sigourney Weaver should be in Ghostbusters III. I don't think that she should have even been in Ghostbusters II.

Do something new for goodness sake!

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

I don't think that Sigourney Weaver should be in Ghostbusters III. I don't think that she should have even been in Ghostbusters II.

Do something new for goodness sake!

I can see where you are coming from, but in GB2 she was pretty good but oscar could have been a much better part of the movie. Though we know with the popularity of RGB that GB2 was a more campy movie and keeping Dana around was familiar.


14 years, 5 months ago

I think that using her again for Ghostbusters II was a major mistake. She was of course a necessary part of the original film and she was good in it but I think that the sequel should have moved away from the original and gone with a completely new story with new characters rather than using Dana again. For me the film felt like a rehash and the scenes with Dana in them were dull. I suppose it goes without saying that I don't think that Dana or Oscar should appear in Ghostbusters III.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

I don't believe having Dana in the movie is necessarily a bad thing. Just dial back her importance in the film; i.e. Cameo level or subplot. As long as she isn't the center of attention…yet again…then it will be fine.


14 years, 5 months ago

I suppose so but Weaver is a big Hollywood star and will expect a fair portion of screen time and dialogue. I wonder what her purpose in the story will be this time around? I just hope that if shes in it she has a real purpose in the story but one which is different to what we've seen in the previous films. I've always thought that cameo appearances are pointless.