by pantshater24

16 years, 10 months ago

ok it has the chance to be good, but come on, a MK game without fatalities??? that's like making a footbal game without passing.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 10 months ago

MK with no fatalitys is a little dissapointing, yes. but in order to make up, i'm sure there will be some thing kool.

Hawk Girl VS Sonya. they have a lot in common.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 10 months ago

MK vs DC with no fatalities… that´s because only Doomsday could kill Superman…

I cannot imagine Raiden killing Superman… (*egon)

by Ecto_Dude

16 years, 10 months ago

The game has no blood(rumored) or Fatalities.

I don't even like DC characters (aside from one or two). MK vs Marvel I would've been like “Hmmm” too.

But all in all. This deserves the “Video Game Failure” of the year award in my book.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 10 months ago

well, they did Marvel VS Capcom, and street fighter, is lame, and has no story. i think it will be a good game.

Johnny Cage VS Booster-Gold

DR. Fate VS Shang Tsung.

it's a great concept.

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

it's a great concept.

I disagree, whilst it is like Marvel Vs Capcom that game was better because it wasn't just Street Fighter, it had a wide mix of characters that'd been created by Marvel. Couple with the fact the game is going to be missing one of it's most recognisable elements and after Marvel Vs Capcom there's nothing really special about this concept.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 10 months ago

well, they did Marvel VS Capcom, and street fighter, is lame, and has no story.

And this will have a story? This has bad game written all over it.

by Ecto_Dude

16 years, 10 months ago

If Street Fighter is so lame why is it the most played Arcade Fighter in the world? It DOES have a story. Each character has a story. I really never payed attention to most of them aside from Guile (Because that's who I play as). Guile's story is that he joined the Fighting circuit to go against M. Bison (or Vega, in Japan) because he killed his comrade Charlie in a previous time, You can play as Charlie in the Alpha games (which take place before the original Street Fighters).

MvC actually has a storyline too. Not that I actually remember what it was, but at least it's got one. It's storyline is somewhat similar to the first Super Smash Brothers storyline. One big baddie gets a bunch of people together fighting and the winner has to fight the big baddie to save the world.

They also made Namco/Capcom Cross over, which is an RPG. That too has a storyline. Honestly I don't see how the Mortal Kombat universe is going to fit into DC…not that Marvel did, but the game was pulled off with amazing results. MvC is one of the best fighters out there. Mortal Kombat is one of the worst. I do admit it, I love the game, but the fighting sucks! From an Arcade Fighters point of view it's absolutely terrible. All the MK's have been. Laggy response time, cheap moves, all that crap.

From an Arcade Fighters standpoint; MK vs DC looks completely and utterly terrible.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 10 months ago

Well the characters in the game have a story yes, but the overall events in the game don't have much of a story or plot to it. It just seems light you're fighting random people, and Bison is the champ.

Of course, I know this isn't the story, but without prior knowledge, it would seem there is no real plot to the game other than fighting peole. But it's pretty obvious that Bison is the villian in it.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 10 months ago

I dont think it needs a plot. I prefer to think of it as an imaginary tale. Maybe MK and DC dont go together like bread and butter. More like Potato Chips and Ketchup. you just gotta have an opened mind, and an iron-cast stomach. i think it would just be fun to see a bunch of heros and fighters beat on each other. sorry if i sounded rude. i lost my temper again. (*egon)