Deadpool movie is a go

by slim

15 years, 9 months ago

so with the popularity of the new Wolverine movie, Fox has decided to go ahead with their plans to make a Deadpool movie. this makes me rage because of the crappiness of the Wolvie movie. Ryan Reynolds was a good Deadpool so the jury is still out on whether or not THIS movie is gonna be any good but things are not looking up….

the link to the story i saw about this is at:

by fusi0n1

15 years, 8 months ago

I personally am looking forward to this as Deadpool is one of my favourite characters.

I've been going back through the comics to re-read some of the greatest ones.

It will be interesting to see where they start this movie, if it will be a prequel to the Wolvie Prequel (confusing much?) Or if they continue it on, or even go during the 6 year gap in time with Logan becoming a lumberjack.

Anyway everyone was upset about the movie bastardisation (myself included) but the first half of Wade was awesome. It's just a pity they messed around with his origins (i.e. he wasn't a mutant until going into the Weapon X program). Ryan played it beautifully though.

I also read another interview where the directors were Deadpool fans themselves so that was comforting to know it's in good hands.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I am personally looking forward to it since they are planning on, what I have been reading around the introwebs, to inject more of the comic Deadpool back into the character. There are even comments of him breaking the 4th wall through various points in the movie

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

Deadpool is one of my favorite characters as well. I am just a little upset that Fox is doing it cause Fox has not been on my good side when it comes to movies.

I hope Deadpool breaks the fourth dimension a lot and I hope who ever makes the movies doesn't leave this important factor out.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 8 months ago

Reynolds better not ham up this comic book movie like he did with “Blade 3”.

I can't believe my 800th post is about Ryan Reynolds.

by fusi0n1

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer
I hope Deadpool breaks the fourth dimension a lot and I hope who ever makes the movies doesn't leave this important factor out.

There are even comments of him breaking the 4th wall through various points in the movie

I've read somewhere that guys have posted after staying for after the credits (which there are 1 or 2 alternative after credit sequences… so I've heard!) that..

you see Deadpool's body picking up his head (the mouth being split open) turning to the camera, and saying “Shhhh!”…

so that's definitely a good sign!

by Yehome

15 years, 8 months ago

Dang, if there's a Deadpool movie, it has to have the content to be rated “M”.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I've read somewhere that guys have posted after staying for after the credits (which there are 1 or 2 alternative after credit sequences… so I've heard!) that..

you see Deadpool's body picking up his head (the mouth being split open) turning to the camera, and saying “Shhhh!”…

so that's definitely a good sign!

Ya that is indeed one of the secret endings.

by Talkc

15 years, 7 months ago

Ya that is indeed one of the secret endings.

This has been a dream come true for me for a long time.

Im a HUGE fan of Ryan Reynolds ( DARN YOU SCARJO!! ), and im a huge fan of Deadpool.

So seeing my favorite comedic actor, play my favorite comedic comic book character…

A - Maze - Ing

His lines.. all of what.. 2 of them? In Wolverine, were worth the price of admission.

Oopp…. My common sense is tingling….

by HannibalKing

15 years, 6 months ago

Well, I hope your dream still comes true what with that casting of Ryan Reynolds as the Green Lantern. Hopefully both can be made. Well, so as long as Fox is interested in making a faithful Deadpool film.