Dear AJQuick

by BackInBlack

15 years, 9 months ago

It has come to my attention that you have blocked my IP provider and account from, I really want to know why you did this? I am very upset at this development. I have tried to contact you numerous times but you never answer me, plus I cannot even look at anything on GBFans. I find that highly unfair since I want to build Ghostbuster Props and play an active role in the Ghostbusters community. Please respond and be sensible, I have not attacked you or any member of the GBFans community.

I am sorry I have to single you out but I cannot tolerate not knowing what is going on and that I cannot participate in a conversation with you. Please note this is not an attack on you and I know its a bad time since you are dealing with college aboard. All I am asking for is a reasonable solution.

by BackInBlack

15 years, 9 months ago

Yes, I know I have tried to get back on the site using other accounts, the 1st one Trekkie313 was purely to keep track of what was going on during my one week ban and I never posted anything. My 2nd account Ozzman was trying to start fresh with less pointless post and fighting. I am sorry I had to resort to doing that but I could not contact you in anyway whatsoever…making the moderator email invalid did not help either and attempts at asking other mods were no help. Even after sending you a private message you chose to not respond and just banned me once again. I used to have an account on Proptopia but I have long since forgot my screename due to being inactive in the community for so long, and the fact that it does accept registrations is even more frustrating.

I'm being civilized as possible to make peace with you and whomever I may have offended. Please respond when you have time!

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

First and foremost, this forum is not a place for people to complain about being banned from one of the other forums.

Secondly, I wouldn't be expecting AJ to respond to your post should he see it here.

Back In Black;145214
It has come to my attention that you have blocked my IP provider and account from, I really want to know why you did this?

I imagine a large part of it was due to the number of posts you'd made that'd been perceived to be absolutely pointless, one recent example being a post that consisted of nothing but an emoticon.

plus I cannot even look at anything on GBFans. I find that highly unfair since I want to build Ghostbuster Props and play an active role in the Ghostbusters community.

That's part and parcel of a ban, that the user who is subject to the ban has been removed from the ability to interact with the community he has been banned from.

It is quite common on the net that if a second account is created to circumvent a suspension, or even a ban that it will then be subject to a insta-ban and the member is significantly less likely to ever be allowed to return.

And this is now moved to Misc.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

If he does respond it won't be for awhile…He is on vacation till the 15th isn't he?

by jesusfreak1

15 years, 9 months ago

First of all, I'm the one who did the permanent ban of your Back in Black account. You were making a number of posts that contained simply smiley faces and therefore I warned you Noticing you had already been warned twice before, as well as banned for a week - I full on banned you.

My 2nd account Ozzman was trying to start fresh with less pointless post and fighting.

I think you've answered your own question in front of everyone.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 9 months ago

First of all, I'm the one who did the permanent ban of your Back in Black account. You were making a number of posts that contained simply smiley faces and therefore I warned you Noticing you had already been warned twice before, as well as banned for a week - I full on banned you.

I think you've answered your own question in front of everyone.
RON 1, BIB 0!(*peter)

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 9 months ago

Back In Black, this isn't a big surprise to me, since GBFan's is a bit of a exclusive club thing going on over there. Best advise, as soon as the ban is lifted make a note to self to not post there, Read only. I do that now and things work out much better.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Back In Black, this isn't a big surprise to me, since GBFan's is a bit of a exclusive club thing going on over there. Best advise, as soon as the ban is lifted make a note to self to not post there, Read only. I do that now and things work out much better.

He said his IP was banned. He can't create a new account.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman;145390
He said his IP was banned. He can't create a new account.

Yeah I miss read his messages and the general argument. Sorry about that, I had fixed the comment, but not before you replied first.


15 years, 9 months ago

there was a way around it by deleteing your cookies and browser history and then logging back in .

I had the same problem i was banned a number of occassions for posting pictures in the chat when i was showing a new friends the pics from my feb atari video game promo work.

Hit up thats the new place to go.

But i agree also try to limit the use of smiles you use.